

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:26

iphone Programming Glossary: starttime

Check if the time and date is between a particular date and time


timeDurationString componentsSeparatedByString @ Calculate NSDate's for the start time for today NSString startTimeString timeDurationStringWords objectAtIndex 0 currentDateComps.hour startTimeString substringToIndex 2 intValue currentDateComps.minute.. for the start time for today NSString startTimeString timeDurationStringWords objectAtIndex 0 currentDateComps.hour startTimeString substringToIndex 2 intValue currentDateComps.minute startTimeString substringFromIndex 3 intValue if timeDurationStringWords.. objectAtIndex 0 currentDateComps.hour startTimeString substringToIndex 2 intValue currentDateComps.minute startTimeString substringFromIndex 3 intValue if timeDurationStringWords objectAtIndex 1 isEqualToString @ pm currentDateComps.hour..

How can I overlap audio files and combine for iPhone in Xcode?


sourceAudioTrack songAsset tracksWithMediaType AVMediaTypeAudio objectAtIndex 0 NSError error nil BOOL ok NO CMTime startTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 0 1 CMTime trackDuration songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds.. songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds CMTimeRange tRange CMTimeRangeMake startTime trackDuration Set Volume AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParametersWithTrack.. trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParametersWithTrack track trackMix setVolume 0.8f atTime startTime self.audioMixParams addObject trackMix Insert audio into track ok track insertTimeRange tRange ofTrack sourceAudioTrack..

Running NSTimer Within an NSThread?


the old timer get dealloc it . void timerThread timerThread NSThread alloc initWithTarget self selector @selector startTimerThread object nil Create a new thread timerThread start start the thread the thread starts by sending this message void.. object nil Create a new thread timerThread start start the thread the thread starts by sending this message void startTimerThread timerNSPool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSRunLoop runLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval.. runLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop timer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector startTime userInfo nil repeats YES timer NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval 1.0 target self selector @selector startTime userInfo nil repeats..

UILabel updating stops during scrolling UIScrollView


repeats YES void updateElapsedTimeLabel CFTimeInterval currentTime CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent float theTime currentTime startTime elapsedTimeLabel.text NSString stringWithFormat @ 1.2f sec. theTime Thanks for any help. iphone objective c ios uiviewcontroller..

How to combine video clips with different orientation using AVFoundation


composition addMutableTrackWithMediaType AVMediaTypeAudio preferredTrackID kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid CMTime startTime kCMTimeZero videoClipPaths is a array of paths of the video clips recorded for loop to combine clips into a single video.. ok compositionVideoTrack insertTimeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero asset duration ofTrack videoTrack atTime startTime error nil ok compositionAudioTrack insertTimeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero asset duration ofTrack audioTrack atTime.. nil ok compositionAudioTrack insertTimeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero asset duration ofTrack audioTrack atTime startTime error nil startTime CMTimeAdd startTime asset duration export the combined video NSString combinedPath path of the combined..

Combining two .caf files on iPhone


sourceAudioTrack songAsset tracksWithMediaType AVMediaTypeAudio objectAtIndex 0 NSError error nil BOOL ok NO CMTime startTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds 0 1 CMTime trackDuration songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds.. songAsset.duration CMTime longestTime CMTimeMake 848896 44100 19.24 seconds CMTimeRange tRange CMTimeRangeMake startTime trackDuration Set Volume AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParametersWithTrack.. trackMix AVMutableAudioMixInputParameters audioMixInputParametersWithTrack track trackMix setVolume 0.8f atTime startTime audioMixParams addObject trackMix Insert audio into track ok track insertTimeRange tRange ofTrack sourceAudioTrack atTime..

Faster alternative to glReadPixels in iPhone OpenGL ES 2.0


feed it into my asset writer to be encoded CMTime currentTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds NSDate date timeIntervalSinceDate startTime 120 if assetWriterPixelBufferInput appendPixelBuffer pixel_buffer withPresentationTime currentTime NSLog @ Problem appending..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


assetWriter addInput assetWriterVideoInput and begin recording with the following startTime NSDate date assetWriter startWriting assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero I grab and encode a color swizzled.. are added to the movie it aborts recording CMTime currentTime CMTimeMakeWithSeconds NSDate date timeIntervalSinceDate startTime 120 if assetWriterPixelBufferInput appendPixelBuffer pixel_buffer withPresentationTime currentTime NSLog @ Problem appending..