

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:14:40

iphone Programming Glossary: sv

searchDisplayController: change the label “No Results”


for UIView subview in tableView.subviews if subview class UILabel class UILabel lbl UILabel subview sv changed to subview. lbl.text @ My custom string I wouldn't recommend this since you're relying on internal behavior of..

What is the relationship between UIView's setNeedsLayout, layoutIfNeeded and layoutSubviews?


out right now . Apple's implementation might look something like this void layoutIfNeeded if self._needsLayout UIView sv self.superview if sv._needsLayout sv layoutIfNeeded else self layoutSubviews You would call layoutIfNeeded on a view.. implementation might look something like this void layoutIfNeeded if self._needsLayout UIView sv self.superview if sv._needsLayout sv layoutIfNeeded else self layoutSubviews You would call layoutIfNeeded on a view to force it and its superviews.. might look something like this void layoutIfNeeded if self._needsLayout UIView sv self.superview if sv._needsLayout sv layoutIfNeeded else self layoutSubviews You would call layoutIfNeeded on a view to force it and its superviews as necessary..

iphone bullet point list


peace of code for UIView v in webView.subviews if v isKindOfClass UIScrollView class disable bouncing UIScrollView sv UIScrollView v sv.alwaysBounceVertical NO sv.alwaysBounceHorizontal NO disable scroll shadows for UIView subView in sv subviews.. UIView v in webView.subviews if v isKindOfClass UIScrollView class disable bouncing UIScrollView sv UIScrollView v sv.alwaysBounceVertical NO sv.alwaysBounceHorizontal NO disable scroll shadows for UIView subView in sv subviews if subView.. if v isKindOfClass UIScrollView class disable bouncing UIScrollView sv UIScrollView v sv.alwaysBounceVertical NO sv.alwaysBounceHorizontal NO disable scroll shadows for UIView subView in sv subviews if subView class description isEqualToString..

Workaround for 'background-attachment: fixed' which is not working in iOS4


out for myself but I know when I was trying to get rid of the shadows from a UIWebView I used this bit of code NSArray sv NSArray arrayWithArray myWebView subviews UIScrollView webScroller UIScrollView sv objectAtIndex 0 NSArray wsv NSArray arrayWithArray.. I used this bit of code NSArray sv NSArray arrayWithArray myWebView subviews UIScrollView webScroller UIScrollView sv objectAtIndex 0 NSArray wsv NSArray arrayWithArray webScroller subviews wsv objectAtIndex 6 setHidden YES wsv objectAtIndex.. NSArray sv NSArray arrayWithArray myWebView subviews UIScrollView webScroller UIScrollView sv objectAtIndex 0 NSArray wsv NSArray arrayWithArray webScroller subviews wsv objectAtIndex 6 setHidden YES wsv objectAtIndex 7 setHidden YES wsv objectAtIndex..

Zooming a UIScrollView in MonoTouch


image and have also set a min max zoom scale. Here's my code UIImage imgMap new UIImage img map.png ivMap.Image imgMap svMap.MinimumZoomScale 1.0f svMap.MaximumZoomScale 3.0f svMap.ContentSize new System.Drawing.SizeF ivMap.Frame.Width ivMap.Frame.Height.. max zoom scale. Here's my code UIImage imgMap new UIImage img map.png ivMap.Image imgMap svMap.MinimumZoomScale 1.0f svMap.MaximumZoomScale 3.0f svMap.ContentSize new System.Drawing.SizeF ivMap.Frame.Width ivMap.Frame.Height Any ideas on what.. code UIImage imgMap new UIImage img map.png ivMap.Image imgMap svMap.MinimumZoomScale 1.0f svMap.MaximumZoomScale 3.0f svMap.ContentSize new System.Drawing.SizeF ivMap.Frame.Width ivMap.Frame.Height Any ideas on what I'm missing EDIT I've created..

How to load data in tableView


11.0f lowestView.frame.origin.y lowestView.frame.size.height 2 kTablePadding tableWidth tableHeight for UIView sv in self.subviews Move all Controls down if sv isKindOfClass UIControl class sv.frame CGRectMake sv.frame.origin.x sv.frame.origin.y.. 2 kTablePadding tableWidth tableHeight for UIView sv in self.subviews Move all Controls down if sv isKindOfClass UIControl class sv.frame CGRectMake sv.frame.origin.x sv.frame.origin.y tableExtHeight sv.frame.size.width.. tableWidth tableHeight for UIView sv in self.subviews Move all Controls down if sv isKindOfClass UIControl class sv.frame CGRectMake sv.frame.origin.x sv.frame.origin.y tableExtHeight sv.frame.size.width sv.frame.size.height void show..

App crashes with reason: Collection <__NSArrayM: 0x7071700> was mutated while being enumerated


bildes count #pragma mark #pragma mark UIScrollViewDelegate methods void scrollViewDidScroll UIScrollView sv showing pageControl.currentPage pageControl.currentPage floor sv.contentOffset.x 160 320 1 @end I'm new to iOS developing.. methods void scrollViewDidScroll UIScrollView sv showing pageControl.currentPage pageControl.currentPage floor sv.contentOffset.x 160 320 1 @end I'm new to iOS developing so maybe there is some memory leak. Don't have an idea whats wrong..

Unwanted scrolling when animating zoomScale in UIScrollView


class changed loadView in ZoomingPDFViewerViewController to initialize scrollView instead of sv added viewDidLoad handleTapFrom recognizer and zoomOut to ZoomingPDFViewerViewController in PDFScrollview.m commented out..