

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Č 10:15:38

iphone Programming Glossary: userinterfaceidiom

Iphone - How to encrypt NSData with public key and decrypt with private key?


UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation Return YES for supported orientations if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone return interfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown else return YES void generateKeyPair..

RSA implementations in Objective C


UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation Return YES for supported orientations if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone return interfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown else return YES void generateKeyPair..

connect button to TableViewController in xcode


BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone return interfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown else return YES @end CreateViewController.h..

RTL languages uipageviewcontroller animation


UIInterfaceOrientation orientation if UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait orientation UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone UIViewController currentViewController self.pageViewController.viewControllers objectAtIndex 0..

IOS 6 screen rotation without using storyboard


have BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone return interfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown else return YES NSUInteger..

What to name images for iPhone 5 screen size?


this question You can use my #define s to help you with these images #define isPhone568 UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone UIScreen mainScreen .bounds.size.height 568 #define iPhone568ImageNamed image isPhone568 NSString..

Dealing with different size images in a xib for iPhone5 versus iPhone4?


code in the links I mentioned above and here's the helper function for Obj C BOOL IsTall return UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone UIScreen mainScreen bounds .size.height UIScreen mainScreen scale 1136 A little category writing..

Detect device type


written in Objective C how do I detect if the device is an iPhone iPad or iPhone5 if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone iphone or itouch else ipad iphone objective c xcode ipad share improve this question you.. with below condition But not iTouch iTouch is treated as if it were an iPhone with this code if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone if UIScreen mainScreen bounds .size.height 568 else iphone 3.5 inch screen else ipad UPDATE..

iOS Universal Development ??Use of Tilde Sign (~) in Xib File Name for differentiation


you want to push new view controller then you ™d have to write lot of lines almost 10 of code if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone MasterViewController masterViewController MasterViewController alloc initWithNibName @ ťMasterViewController_iphone..

How can i load the different xibs for single class depends on current device in iOS?


app itself it will give the code check the device type and load particular xib. for example if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone self.viewController ViewController alloc initWithNibName @ ViewController_iPhone bundle nil autorelease..

API to determine whether running on iPhone or iPad


also has a property which is really what I'm looking for but doesn't work for pre 3.2 obviously UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom Are there other ways than checking for the existence of @ iPad for a universal app iphone objective c cocoa touch ipad..

How should I approach building a Universal iOS app that will include iOS 4 features, even though the iPad doesn't yet run iOS 4?


until they become available on the iPad. But this shouldn't be too much of a problem if you use UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom to check whether you're running on an iPad you can prevent your Universal App from executing code that has no iPad UI yet...

How to make iPhone and iPad version of an app?


nibs based on device I am using this to switch between nibs. if UIDevice currentDevice respondsToSelector @selector userInterfaceIdiom if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad device @ iPad else device @ iPhone But in MainWindow.xib.. between nibs. if UIDevice currentDevice respondsToSelector @selector userInterfaceIdiom if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad device @ iPad else device @ iPhone But in MainWindow.xib it says view is loaded from the view..

what is the code to detect whether ios app running in iPhone, iPhone Retina display, or iPad?


once it's started. iphone ios ipad uiimage scale share improve this question You can use UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom to determine whether you're running on an iPhone iPod touch or an iPad. There's often no need to determine directly whether..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


mainScreen bounds autorelease Override point for customization after application launch. if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone self.viewController ViewController alloc initWithNibName @ ViewController_iPhone bundle nil autorelease..

How to use UIImagePickerController in iPad?


this question UIImagePickerController must be presented with UIPopoverController on iPad. if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad UIPopoverController popover UIPopoverController alloc initWithContentViewController picker popover..