

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:54

iphone Programming Glossary: volumes

/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 [duplicate]


program on the iPhone device and the Simulator. I am also seeing this ld duplicate symbol .objc_class_name_MainView in Volumes Mark's Flash Drive iFtB build iFtB.build Debug iphonesimulator iFtB.build Objects normal i386 MainView.o and Volumes Mark's.. Volumes Mark's Flash Drive iFtB build iFtB.build Debug iphonesimulator iFtB.build Objects normal i386 MainView.o and Volumes Mark's Flash Drive iFtB build iFtB.build Debug iphonesimulator iFtB.build Objects normal i386 iFtBAppDelegate.o too. Could..

/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 error [duplicate]


program on the iPhone device and the Simulator. I am also seeing this ld duplicate symbol .objc_class_name_MainView in Volumes Mark's Flash Drive iFtB build iFtB.build Debug iphonesimulator iFtB.build Objects normal i386 MainView.o and Volumes Mark's.. Volumes Mark's Flash Drive iFtB build iFtB.build Debug iphonesimulator iFtB.build Objects normal i386 MainView.o and Volumes Mark's Flash Drive iFtB build iFtB.build Debug iphonesimulator iFtB.build Objects normal i386 iFtBAppDelegate.o too. Could..

iPhone Development - Compiler Warning!


Warning Sometimes when i try to build compile a downloaded source i get following warning ld warning directory ' Volumes Skiiing2 CD ViewBased Unknown Path System Library Frameworks' following F not found Has anyone else seen this issue iphone..

iPhone Codesign object file format invalid or unsuitable


for the device anymore. as soon as i want to build i get CodeSign build Release iphoneos myApp.app ....somestuff.... Volumes XCodeProj myApp build Release iphoneos myApp.app object file format invalid or unsuitable Connad usr bin codesign failed..

How can I compile lame as static library(.a) for armv6 and armv7 of iPhone?


SDKs iPhoneSimulator5.0.sdk CC Developer Platforms iPhoneSimulator.platform Developer usr bin gcc arch i386 prefix Volumes Data test i386 host arm apple darwin9 make make install The problem is I can not compile for armv6 and armv7. I have tried.. Developer SDKs iPhoneOS5.0.sdk CC Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer usr bin gcc arch armv6 prefix Volumes Data test arm6 host arm apple darwin9 make make install The error is console.c 25 21 error curses.h No such file or directory..