

java Programming Glossary: abandon

Netty vs Apache MINA


provider in Netty which would not be quick we had to abandon Netty in the end. So look hard at the differences between them..

Who is calling the Java Thread interrupt() method if I'm not?


that it has been interrupted a well behaved thread would abandon what it is doing and end itself. Assuming the above use case.. worker thread. And when it is interrupted your code should abandon what it is doing and cause itself to end by the most appropriate..

Process.waitFor(), threads, and InputStreams


Performance comparison of array of arrays vs multidimensional arrays


optimization issue for a language like Java Should we just abandon arrays and use List s even for primitives Another question in..

Why is my System.nanoTime() broken?


HAL with my current hardware A JDK problem Should I abandon nanoTime Should I log a bug somewhere or any suggestions on..

Persistent HttpURLConnection in Java


has to finish reading the response body or call close to abandon the rest of the response body in order for that connection to..

Graceful shutdown of threads and executor


You can attempt to force the executor's worker Threads to abandon their current tasks and ensure they don't start any of the remaining..

What is the lifecycle and concurrency semantics of Rhino Script Engine


this deep into the scripting language I recommend that you abandon JavaScript and look at Groovy for a more scriptable Java. Presumably..

Consistency of hashCode() on a Java string


has been specified... so long as you're willing to abandon compatibility with releases before the algorithm was specified..

Jackson error: no suitable constructor


Thread.java 1019 I had been using GSON but need to abandon it on account of performance issues. When I switched to Jackson..

GWT Platform login + session menagment


response. Under certain circumstances you may need to abandon the use of conventional JEE sessions altogether when writing..