

java Programming Glossary: activity.result_ok

Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM


Received intent.getExtras .toString setResultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Put the GCM message into a notification and post it. private..

Send SMS until it is successful


arg1 if check_result return switch getResultCode case Activity.RESULT_OK exit stopSelf return case SmsManager.RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE.. Intent intent pubCon context switch getResultCode case Activity.RESULT_OK all went OK stop the service where this is called from service.serv.stopSelf.. 1 Log.d TAG SentMessage switch getResultCode case Activity.RESULT_OK Log.d TAG RESULT_OK if MessageData.sentMessage _id protocol_id..

How to select and crop an image in android?


requestCode resultCode data if requestCode 1 if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Uri selectedImage data.getData Log.d IMAGE SEL selectedImage..

Using the camera activity in Android


method if requestCode PICTURE_RESULT if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Display image received on the view Bundle b data.getExtras..

Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android


returns with a device to connect if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Get the device MAC address String address data.getExtras .. When the request to enable Bluetooth returns if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Bluetooth is now enabled so set up a chat session else User..

Trivial: Get confirmation of email sent in android


Intent data if requestCode 1 if requestCode 1 resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Toast.makeText this Mail sent. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else..