

java Programming Glossary: alloc

Java not garbage collecting memory


args throws Throwable Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime double alloc rt.totalMemory 1000.0 double free rt.freeMemory 1000.0 System.out.printf.. 1000.0 System.out.printf Allocated .2f kb nFree .2f kb n n alloc free Scanner in new Scanner new File my_file.txt ArrayList String.. al.add s.substring 0 1 extracts first 1 character alloc rt.totalMemory 1000.0 free rt.freeMemory 1000.0 System.out.printf..

Need to generate HMAC SHA256 hash in Objective C as in Java


strlen cKey cData strlen cData cHMAC NSData HMAC NSData alloc initWithBytes cHMAC length sizeof cHMAC Base64 initialize.. inputData.length hashedChars return NSString alloc initWithData HMAC encoding NSASCIIStringEncoding End of getHashEncription.. cKey strlen cKey cData strlen cData cHMAC return NSData alloc initWithBytes cHMAC length sizeof cHMAC int main int argc const..

What is the return type of a constructor in java?


But it is not compulsory I think. AClass anObject AClass alloc init init is the constructor with return type a pointer to AClass.. VerifyError. However on the oracle JVM you can use Unsafe.allocateInstance to create an object without calling a constructor..