

java Programming Glossary: app_id

JBoss: WAR file in EAR can't find JAR library on classpath


app My application.xml looks like this application id app_id display name App display name description TheApp description..

How do I programmatically write a shortcut to a specific page on the homescreen of the Android launcher?


appName BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable res.get app_id .activityInfo.loadIcon p .getCurrent Bitmap newbit newbit bd.getBitmap..

Jackson error: no suitable constructor


claim_link http m.thinknear.com offers BLARNEY__1323954754 app_id kz4hjo latitude 40.75042 longitude 73.99633 description 1 off.. http m.thinknear.com offers BLARNEY__1323954754 app_id kz4hjo latitude 40.75042 longitude 73.99633 published 2011 12.. claim_link http m.thinknear.com offers HUSH_SPA_1323962075 app_id kz4hjo latitude 40.75042 longitude 73.99633 description Use..

Facebook offline access step-by-step


of your application see it. You'll need the Application ID APP_ID and Secret Key SECRET_KEY that are listed on your developer.. https graph.facebook.com oauth authorize client_id APP_ID scope offline_access read_stream redirect_uri http www.facebook.com.. in https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token client_id APP_ID redirect_uri http www.facebook.com connect login_success.html..

JOAuth, a java-based OAuth 1 (final) and OAuth 2 (draft 10) library. How do I use it?


Facebook OAuth oauth name facebook version 2 consumer key APP_ID secret APP_SECRET provider authorizationUrl https graph.facebook.com..

facebook.authorize with the android sdk does not call onActivityResult


EditText console private Facebook facebook new Facebook APP_ID @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..