

java Programming Glossary: astore_2

Is String Literal Pool a collection of references to the String Object, Or a collection of Objects


string ldc #2 String abc astore_1 one ldc #2 String abc astore_2 two Output For each example I am printing the following values.. #4 Method java lang String. init Ljava lang String V astore_2 two Look carefully The first object is created the same way.. #4 Method String.substring I Ljava lang String astore_2 two The fist string is constructed as usual. The second is created..

Java OutOfMemoryError strange behaviour


iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 goto 12 5 iload_0 6 newarray long 8 astore_2 9 iinc 1 1 12 iload_1 13 iconst_1 14 if_icmplt 5 17 iload_0.. 2 istore_1 3 ldc #16 int 5000000 5 newarray long 7 astore_2 8 iconst_0 9 newarray long 11 astore_2 12 ldc #16 int 5000000.. 5 newarray long 7 astore_2 8 iconst_0 9 newarray long 11 astore_2 12 ldc #16 int 5000000 14 newarray long 16 astore_3 17 return..

Comparing strings with == which are declared final in Java


Code 0 ldc #2 String str 2 astore_1 3 ldc #3 String ing 5 astore_2 6 new #4 class java lang StringBuilder 9 dup 10 invokespecial..

Is this valid Java?


#9 Method f Ljava util List Ljava lang Integer 34 astore_2 35 getstatic #10 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream..

How to convert from int to String?


Best way to convert an ArrayList to a string


invokespecial #9 Method java lang StringBuilder. init V 40 astore_2 snip a few lines for initializing the loop Loading the StringBuilder..

String valueOf vs concatenation with empty string


java lang StringBuilder.toString Ljava la ng String 21 astore_2 22 return public void bar int intVar 5 String strVar String.valueOf..

Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection


Code 0 bipush 100 2 istore_1 3 ldc #2 String String 5 astore_2 6 getstatic #3 Field CONST_OBJECT Ljava lang Object 9 astore_3..