

java Programming Glossary: autostart

How to setup alternate entry point in Blackberry application?


UI Application Background Application will run on autostart. There is a blackberry knowledge center article about this which..

How do I debug GlassFish 3 using Eclipse Helios?


Dfelix.fileinstall.dir C glassfishv3 glassfish modules autostart Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore C glassfishv3 glassfish domains myDomain.. 5000 felix.fileinstall.dir C glassfishv3 glassfish modules autostart felix.fileinstall.debug 1 felix.fileinstall.bundles.new.start.. INFO Started bundle file C glassfishv3 glassfish modules autostart osgi web container.jar INFO Updating configuration from org.apache.felix.fileinstall..

Android - Start service on boot


icon android label @string app_name receiver android name .autostart intent filter action android name android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED.. uses permission manifest autostart.java public class autostart extends BroadcastReceiver public.. uses permission manifest autostart.java public class autostart extends BroadcastReceiver public void onReceive Context arg0..

Auto startup for java desktop application?


do I do that java installer cross platform multiplatform autostart share improve this question This installer can create a..

JAR installer that auto-detects if Java is there and autostarts the application


installer that auto detects if Java is there and autostarts the application I need to build an installer that does the.. java installer cross platform software distribution autostart share improve this question If a commercial tool is ok I..