

java Programming Glossary: backimage

Infinite background for game


private BufferedImage heliImage null private BufferedImage backImage null private int heliX 0 private int heliY 0 private int backX.. 2.7 Meg Crap that is a humungous image Substitute dummy. backImage new BufferedImage 1918 1200 BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB catch.. Problem durinng loading heli image backWidth backImage.getWidth backHeight backImage.getHeight HeliPainter l new HeliPainter..

Add other components to JFrame with background


ImageIcon icon new ImageIcon src images back.jpg backImage icon.getImage BackgroundImagePanel contentPane new BackgroundImagePanel.. new BackgroundImagePanel contentPane.setBackgroundImage backImage this.setContentPane contentPane Can you tell me please if there..