

java Programming Glossary: calendar.day_of_week

Java Calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY), will it roll backwards, forwards or unknown?


Calendar.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.SUNDAY will it roll backwards forwards or unknown .. 2009 a Saturday Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.SUNDAY c.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH will return 23...

How to get the first day of the current week and month?


get start of this week in milliseconds cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK cal.getFirstDayOfWeek System.out.println Start of this week..

Java - How to calculate the first and last day of each week


Set the calendar to monday of the current week c.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.MONDAY Print dates of the current week starting on..

Calculate number of weekdays between two dates in Java


do startCal.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH 1 if startCal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.SATURDAY startCal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.SUNDAY.. Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.SATURDAY startCal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Calendar.SUNDAY workDays while startCal.getTimeInMillis endCal.getTimeInMillis..

How to determine day of week by passing specific date? [duplicate]


c.setTime yourDate int dayOfWeek c.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK if you need the output to be Tue rather than 3 Days of week..

What is the easiest way to get the current day of the week in Android?


calendar Calendar.getInstance int day calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK If current day is Sunday day 1. Saturday day 7. You can then..

How do i align this text correctly?


dayOfYear c.get Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR dayOfWeek c.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK month c.get Calendar.MONTH daysInMonth c.getActualMaximum Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH..