

java Programming Glossary: client.executemethod

What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.?


3 false try Execute the method. int statusCode client.executeMethod method if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK System.err.println Method..

java read file from network device


new GetMethod url try Execute the method. int statusCode client.executeMethod method if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK System.err.println Method..

How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient?


httpget new GetMethod https www.verisign.com try httpclient.executeMethod httpget System.out.println httpget.getStatusLine finally httpget.releaseConnection.. mms.nw.ru get.setDoAuthentication true try int status client.executeMethod get System.out.println status BufferedInputStream is new BufferedInputStream..

PKIX path building failed while making SSL connection


HttpClient client new HttpClient int status client.executeMethod postMethod if status 200 StringBuilder resultBuffer new StringBuilder..

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?


test login post.setDoAuthentication true try int status client.executeMethod post System.out.println status n post.getResponseBodyAsString..

How to import “HttpClient” to Eclipse?


.setHost www.imobile.com.cn 80 http method getPostMethod client.executeMethod method System.out.println method.getStatusLine Stringresponse..

How can I override the “Host” header in the request when using Apache commons HttpClient


Fast CSV parsing


app so it's not premature optimization. The code so far client.executeMethod method InputStream in method.getResponseBodyAsStream this is..

Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method


tmp new StringRequestEntity ... ... ... int statusCode client.executeMethod post String ret method.getResponsBodyAsString Header locationHeader..