

java Programming Glossary: color.gray

Custom List Field click event


nevBar listRander.getNavBar list border graphics.setColor Color.GRAY graphics.drawRect 0 y w _MAX_ROW_HEIGHT thumbnail border thumbnail.. margin thumb.getWidth y margin graphics.setColor Color.GRAY graphics.setFont Font.smallFont graphics.drawText listDesc 2.. void paint Graphics g int c g.getColor g.setColor Color.GRAY super.paint g g.setColor c setData data add _thumb add _title..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g.create g2d.setColor Color.GRAY g2d.fill world if insect null g2d.setColor Color.RED g2d.fill..

Add Strings through use of generic 'extends' causes compiler error


Threads with Key Bindings


cyan g2.setColor Color.CYAN break case gray g2.setColor Color.GRAY break default g2.setColor Color.WHITE break if circular..

how can you make a progress bar without using JProgressBar?


new RandomValues this.timeValue 0 this.setBackground Color.GRAY @Override public void paint Graphics g super.paintComponent.. h i w i h g2d.setComposite veryTransparent g2d.setColor Color.GRAY g2d.drawLine i 1 i h 1 g2d.setColor Color.WHITE g2d.drawLine..

How to disable interaction between buttons of the same layout?


buttonClicked.setEnabled false buttonClicked.setTextColor Color.GRAY buttonClicked.getBackground .setColorFilter new LightingColorFilter..

java multiple graphics [closed]


sortPane.setBorder new CompoundBorder new LineBorder Color.GRAY new EmptyBorder 8 8 8 8 sorters.add sorter return sortPane public..

Change color without affecting anything previously drawn


public void onClick View v view.paint.setColor Color.GRAY dialog.dismiss if btnGRE null btnGRE.setOnClickListener new..

'Fill' Unicode characters in labels


8 0 0 gui.setBorder new BevelBorder BevelBorder.LOWERED Color.GRAY.brighter Color.GRAY Color.GRAY.darker Color.GRAY set up a.. new BevelBorder BevelBorder.LOWERED Color.GRAY.brighter Color.GRAY Color.GRAY.darker Color.GRAY set up a chess board addPiecesToContainer.. BevelBorder.LOWERED Color.GRAY.brighter Color.GRAY Color.GRAY.darker Color.GRAY set up a chess board addPiecesToContainer..

Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics


4 y gc.fillOval x step y step step 3 step 3 gc.setColor Color.GRAY gc.drawOval x step y step step 3 step 3 catch Exception.. 40 x STEP 45 y STEP STEP 3 STEP 3 g2.fill e g2.setColor Color.GRAY g2.draw e catch Exception e e.printStackTrace iter g2.setColor..

repaint in a loop


i .repaint Thread.sleep 2000 JButton i .setBackground Color.GRAY JButton i .repaint java swing repaint share improve this.. SwingUtilities.invokeLater new Runnable b.setBackground Color.GRAY b.repaint .run It's a bit mucky but hopefully it gives you..

Redirecting System.out to JTextPane


redirectSystemStreams textPane.setBackground Color.GRAY textPane.setBorder new EmptyBorder 5 5 5 5 private void updateTextPane..

Difference between Color.red and Color.RED


uppercase names for constants Color.BLACK Color.DARK_GRAY Color.GRAY Color.LIGHT_GRAY Color.WHITE Color.MAGENTA Color.RED Color.PINK..

How returns XxxSize from JComponent(s) added to the JLabel


titlePanel.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.GRAY titlePanel.add buttonPanel BorderLayout.EAST fatherPanel.setLayout..

Filtering on a JTree


c else if containsMatchingChild node c.setForeground Color.GRAY return c else return lblNull private boolean matchesFilter..

Change screen resolution in Java


Color.green Color.white Color.black Color.yellow Color.gray Color.cyan Color.pink Color.lightGray Color.magenta Color.orange..

Java Bouncing Ball


darkGray color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green else if ballcolor.. color Color.darkGray else if ballcolor gray color Color.gray else if ballcolor green color Color.green else if ballcolor..

Eclipse WindowBuilder, overlapping JPanels


new OverlayLayout panel panel.add create 1 One Color.gray.brighter panel.add create 2 Two Color.gray panel.add create.. create 1 One Color.gray.brighter panel.add create 2 Two Color.gray panel.add create 3 Three Color.gray.darker frame.add panel BorderLayout.CENTER.. panel.add create 2 Two Color.gray panel.add create 3 Three Color.gray.darker frame.add panel BorderLayout.CENTER frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform..

Swing animation running extremely slow


int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight g2d.setColor Color.gray for int col SIZE col w col SIZE g2d.drawLine col 0 col h for..

Aligning messageformat on printing a JTable


.getHeight System.out.println index r g2d.setPaint Color.gray g2d.drawString s r.x r.width dw r.y r.height dh return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS..

JTable won't show column headers


scrTbl.setBounds 25 50 950 600 scrTbl.setBackground Color.gray scrTbl.setRowHeight 23 add scrTbl rest of constructor ... Comparing..

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC


Model model private ColorIcon icon new ColorIcon 80 Color.gray private JLabel label new JLabel s icon JLabel.CENTER public.. o Object arg if arg null label.setText s icon.color Color.gray else if Boolean arg label.setText Win else label.setText..

JFreeChart PolarPlot: mathematical orientation


new Color 0x00f0f0f0 plot.setRadiusGridlinePaint Color.gray plot.addCornerTextItem r θ θ 0 θ 6 JFreeChart chart new JFreeChart..

Painting in a BufferedImage inside Swing


1 g2.setPaint Color.black else if color 2 g2.setPaint Color.gray else if color 3 g2.setPaint Color.white else if color 4 g2.setPaint.. Color c null if color 1 c Color.black else if color 2 c Color.gray else if color 3 c Color.white else if color 4 c Color.red else..

JFreechart Loop through polar chart sectors


new Color 0x00f0f0f0 plot.setRadiusGridlinePaint Color.gray plot.addCornerTextItem r θ θ 0 θ 6 DefaultPolarItemRenderer.. new Color 0x00f0f0f0 plot.setRadiusGridlinePaint Color.gray plot.addCornerTextItem r θ θ 0 θ 2 i 8 setFilled dataset plot.setRenderer..

Difference between Color.red and Color.RED


in all versions of Java Color.black Color.darkGray Color.gray Color.lightGray Color.white Color.magenta Color.red Color.pink..

Passing current Date


8 else setBackground tbl.getBackground setForeground Color.gray setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 9 else setBackground..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


Color.red g.drawRect 10 10 height width g.setColor Color.gray g.fillRect 11 11 height width g.setColor Color.red g.drawOval..

How can I put axis on a .png file in java?


Ellipse2D.Double 3 3 6 6 private static final Color line Color.gray private ChartPanel createPanel JFreeChart chart ChartFactory.createXYLineChart..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


startStopButton.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.gray 4 buttonPanel.add startStopButton colourButton new JButton Change.. colourButton.setBorder BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.gray 4 buttonPanel.add colourButton exitButton new JButton Exit exitButton.setBackground..