

java Programming Glossary: commons.apache.org

base64 encoding in java


and importing the jar files downloaded from http commons.apache.org codec But the problem still exist. Eclipse showing the previously..

Is there a Java reflection utility to do a deep comparison of two objects?


has a reflection based equals builder documented here http commons.apache.org proper commons lang javadocs api 3.1 org apache commons lang3..

The best CLI parser for Java [duplicate]


used the top two I can recommend them. Commons CLI http commons.apache.org cli Java Gems http code.google.com p javagems JArgs http jargs.sourceforge.net..

Java is not treating “\n” as new line when retrieved from Database column


DB. The Apache Commons Lang have a method for that http commons.apache.org proper commons lang javadocs api 2.6 org apache commons lang..

open source image processing lib in java


to interface with the ImageMagick API Apache Sanselan http commons.apache.org imaging This library mostly does image IO but it has a handful..

Converting CIDR address to subnet mask and network address


this question It's coverted by apache utils. See http commons.apache.org proper commons net apidocs org apache commons net util SubnetUtils.html..

Is there a good command line argument parser for Java? [closed]


share improve this question Check these out http commons.apache.org cli http www.martiansoftware.com jsap Or roll your own http..

SWT Browser widget: html source inside jar?


to the able people at apache commons io http commons.apache.org io apidocs http commons.apache.org io api release index.html..

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed]


the 2 main candidates free open source Apache DBCP http commons.apache.org dbcp C3P0 http sourceforge.net projects c3p0 I've read a lot..

Performance of Java matrix math libraries? [closed]


http acs.lbl.gov ~hoschek colt Apache commons math http commons.apache.org math I searched and found nothing. Details of our speed comparison..

Monitoring progress using Apache Commons FTPClient


You need a CountingOutputStream as seen on Commons IO http commons.apache.org io api release index.html . You create one of those wrap your..

Convert HTML Character Back to Text Using Java Standard Library


methods are what you are looking for. See http commons.apache.org proper commons lang javadocs api 3.1 org apache commons lang3..

Elegant way to read file into byte[] array in Java [duplicate]


InputStream input From http commons.apache.org io If the library footprint is too big for your Android app..

should a db connection be a singleton?


How do I send an SMTP Message from Java? [duplicate]


WatchService for Java 6


Apache VFS does exactly this. you can find it under http commons.apache.org vfs . It's a pure java library that can monitor files and it's..

Case insensitive string as HashMap key


get String key return super.get key.toLowerCase Or http commons.apache.org collections api release org apache commons collections map CaseInsensitiveMap.html..

Is there a stopwatch in java


share improve this question You'll find one in http commons.apache.org lang It's called org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch But..

Decode base64 String Java 5


lots including Commons Codec which provides Base64 http commons.apache.org codec api release org apache commons codec binary Base64.html..