

java Programming Glossary: ctrl

How can I “intercept” Ctrl+C in a CLI application?


can I &ldquo intercept&rdquo Ctrl C in a CLI application How can I intercept Ctrl C which normally.. Ctrl C in a CLI application How can I intercept Ctrl C which normally would kill the process in a CLI command line..

Use of '? extends ' and '? super ' in Collection generics [duplicate]


In fact if you try to auto complete code in Eclipse using Ctrl Space on a List extends Number it shows null as the parameters'..

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?


and it will suggest you person.name or person.address . Ctrl click on person.name and it will navigate you to getName method..

Eclipse Optimize Imports to Include Static Imports


able to write assertEquals expectedValue actualValue hit Ctrl Shift O and have Eclipse add import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals.. By having those as favorites if I type assertT and hit Ctrl Space Eclipse offers up assertThat as a suggestion and if I..

What is the difference between Eclipse and Netbeans if I want to use only the Java in it? [closed]


Spell check being one prominent one. Quick complete Ctrl K Ctrl J is an underused Netbeans feature. Snippets being another.. Spell check being one prominent one. Quick complete Ctrl K Ctrl J is an underused Netbeans feature. Snippets being another though..

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame


class ComponentImageCapture static final String HELP Type Ctrl 0 to get a screenshot of the current GUI. n The screenshot will..

NetBeans Tips and Tricks [closed]


key as a shorcut for public static void main String args Ctrl Shift C Comments out the selected block of code. Alt Shift F.. of code. Alt Shift F Formats the selected block of code. Ctrl E Deletes current line. Ctrl Shift I Fixes your imports handy.. the selected block of code. Ctrl E Deletes current line. Ctrl Shift I Fixes your imports handy if you've just written a piece..

What is your favorite hot-key in Eclipse? [closed]


These are the ones I file under muscle memory. Editing Ctrl Shift O organise imports removes unused imports adds missing.. removes unused imports adds missing imports sorts imports Ctrl Shift I unindent selection Ctrl comment uncomment selected lines.. imports sorts imports Ctrl Shift I unindent selection Ctrl comment uncomment selected lines Alt Shift R rename selection..

Correct way to add lib/*.jar to an IntelliJ IDEA project?


share improve this question File Project Structure ctrl shift alt s Module Dependencies add... Project Library Attach..

accessing variables and swing components through different threads


Gravity extends Thread String altStr double alt Controller ctrl new Controller @Override public void run while true alt VTOL.altitude.. int alt altStr new Integer VTOL.altitude .toString ctrl.lblAltitude.setText altStr try Thread.sleep 10 catch InterruptedException..

In eclipse, ctrl-click goes to the declaration of the method I clicked. For interfaces with one implementation, how can I just directly to that implementation?


eclipse ctrl click goes to the declaration of the method I clicked. For interfaces.. implementation called FooImpl. In the following code if I ctrl click on doThings it'll jump to Foo.java when I actually want.. foo.doThings When I end up at the interface I have to use ctrl shift r to open up FooImpl. It'd be really nice if I could do..

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?


bean clicking on included JSP or JSTL tag also works ctrl click on JavaScript variable or function brings you to the place.. methods you have in other JS objects in your project and ctrl click on this.getName brings you to where this one is defined.. could not run Eclipse on Windows XP x64. Autocomplete and ctrl clicking in JSP EL and JSF EL. Type h outputText value # person...

How to Force Thread Dump in Eclipse?


this were running straight from the command line I'd do a ctrl BREAK to force a thread dump. Is there a way to do it in Eclipse..

How to gracefully handle the SIGKILL signal in Java


would be when the one calls just kill which is the same as ctrl c java sigkill share improve this question The way to handle..

Should logger be private static or not


can create an autocomplete template for this. E.g. logger ctrl space . On the other hand if you obtain the logger by a factory..

how to handle bad file selection for image display in swing


String args Display d new Display image demo GUIController ctrl new GUIController d java swing share improve this question..

jpanel keylistener


that holds a jtabbedpane. it should switch the tabs when ctrl tab is received. but the keypressed event is never sent I tried.. but with no success. here is my code SwitchTabsListener ctrlTabListener new SwitchTabsListener genericTabbedPanel jMainFrame.addKeyListener.. genericTabbedPanel jMainFrame.addKeyListener ctrlTabListener genericTabbedPanel.addKeyListener ctrlTabListener..

R.raw.anything cannot be resolved [duplicate]


the right R.java files import my_package.R Stop trusting ctrl shift O ... java android eclipse share improve this question..

Glassfish 3.1 CREDENTIAL_ERROR in Eclipse


process identifier. Bring up the windows task manager hit ctrl alt delete and select Start Task Manager and go to the processes..

(no) Properties in Java?


it's as simple as moving the cursor to a field and hitting ctrl 1 then selecting the option from the list . For what it's worth..

Eclipse/Java code completion not working


completion is not working. If I type String. and press ctrl space a popup shows No Default Proposals and the status bar..

Integrating tomcat and eclipse as a hot-deploy environment


this means the server won't get restarted when you hit ctrl s start tomcat in debug mode This will still reflect code changes..

How is values() implemented for Java 6 enums?


I could jump to the source for Java classes using F3 or CTRL Click in Eclipse even for classes like String Character Integer..

How can I “intercept” Ctrl+C in a CLI application?


to intercept the SIGINT signal triggered by a CTRL C on Unix as well inseras on Windows . See this article . share..

Create a “Command” Console


command history cut copy paste including selection with CTRL arrow keys command completion Unicode character input coloured..

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?


eclipse ide intellij idea share improve this question CTRL click that brings you to where clicked object is defined works.. in Spring configuration property name propName ref hit CTRL SPACE and it will show you list of those beans which you can.. String getAddress int getAge Person p String name p. CTRL SHIFT SPACE and it shows you ONLY getName getAddress and toString..

Automatically opening completion window in Eclipse


while I type Visual Studio style and not by clicking CTRL SPACE Thanks Amit java eclipse autocomplete share improve..

Any way to get IntelliJ-like autocompletion in Eclipse?


certainly in the Eclipse Helios. When typing you press CTRL SPACE or when you typed variable name '.' will start auto complete..

Individual and not continuous JTable's cell selection


MouseEvent e int modifiers e.getModifiers InputEvent.CTRL_MASK change the modifiers to believe that control key is down.. key is down int modifiersEx e.getModifiersEx InputEvent.CTRL_MASK can I use this anywhere I don't see how to change the.. ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION then CTRL MOUSE_CLICK Or do you mean remember last selected ListSelectionModel..

How can a KeyListener detect key combinations (e.g., ALT + 1 + 1)


my custom KeyListener listen for combinations of ALT or CTRL for that matter more than one other key Assume I have 11 different.. KeyEvent.VK_SPACE java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK actionMapKey component.getActionMap .put actionMapKey.. KeyEvent.VK_SPACE java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK java.awt.event.InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK To represent..

Antlr IDE in Eclipse doesn't work


. Auto completion is the easiest way to add these press CTRL space to bring up auto completion list . Save the grammar. When..

create hot keys for JButton in java using swing


is I have Save and exit JButtons in this form if I press CTRL S means the Save button will be select at the same time If i.. the Save button will be select at the same time If i press CTRL X means the exit button will select.how to create mnemonics.. will select.how to create mnemonics for JButton.how to do CTRL S CTRL X this using in following code thanks in advance package..