

java Programming Glossary: d.width

JTable - align components under the columns


i Dimension d textField.getPreferredSize d.width tcm.getColumn i .getWidth textField.setPreferredSize d SwingUtilities.invokeLater..

Draw in an image inside panel


Dimension d Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .getScreenSize int x d.width getSize .width 2 int y d.height getSize .height 2 setLocation.. Dimension d Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .getScreenSize int x d.width getSize .width 2 int y d.height getSize .height 2 setLocation..

add thumnails to spring layout like a grid?


component to current row. Start a new row. if rowWidth d.width maxWidth addRow dim rowWidth rowHeight rowWidth 0 rowHeight.. after the first if rowWidth 0 rowWidth hgap rowWidth d.width rowHeight Math.max rowHeight d.height addRow dim rowWidth..

How can I let JToolBars wrap to the next line (FlowLayout) without them being hidden ty the JPanel below them?


if c.isVisible Dimension d c.getPreferredSize if x 0 x d.width maxwidth fits in current row. if x 0 x hgap x d.width.. maxwidth fits in current row. if x 0 x hgap x d.width rowHeight Math.max rowHeight d.height else Start of new.. Math.max rowHeight d.height else Start of new row x d.width y vgap rowHeight rowHeight d.height reqdWidth Math.max reqdWidth..

setOpaque() in java


component.isDisplayable Dimension d component.getSize if d.width 0 d.height 0 d component.getPreferredSize component.setSize..

Auto Populate a jTextField with NetBeans


d tp.getPreferredSize this.setPreferredSize new Dimension d.width d.height 8 private static class TestPanel extends JPanel public..

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame


BufferedImage bi new BufferedImage d.width d.height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB Graphics g bi.createGraphics..

How to calculate the number of rows (and columns in each row) a text takes in a JTextArea?


char c text.charAt i if c ' n' if fm.stringWidth line c d.width line c else texts.add line line c texts.add line for..

JTable row limitation


scrollPane.setPreferredSize new Dimension d.width table.getRowHeight rows JPanel navigation new JPanel new FlowLayout..

JLayeredPane and painting


int n this.n n this.setOpaque false this.setBounds n n d.width 2 d.height 2 this.addMouseListener new MouseHandler this @Override..