

java Programming Glossary: datetimeformat.forpattern

Java SimpleDateFormat for time zone with a colon seperator?


pattern yyyy MM dd'T'HH mm ssZ DateTimeFormatter dtf DateTimeFormat.forPattern pattern DateTime dateTime dtf.parseDateTime dateString System.out.println..

Using Joda Date & Time API to parse multiple formats


I'm parsing. Currently I have code like this try return DateTimeFormat.forPattern yyyy MM dd HH mm ss .parseDateTime datePart catch IllegalArgumentException.. datePart catch IllegalArgumentException e return DateTimeFormat.forPattern E MMM dd yyyy HH mm .parseDateTime datePart This works but contravenes.. method DateTimeParser parsers DateTimeFormat.forPattern yyyy MM dd HH .getParser DateTimeFormat.forPattern yyyy MM dd..

Converting a date string to a DateTime object using Joda Time library


question Use DateTimeFormat DateTimeFormatter formatter DateTimeFormat.forPattern dd MM yyyy HH mm ss DateTime dt formatter.parseDateTime string..

joda DateTime parser error


patterns dd MMM yyyy HH mm ss z DateTimeFormatter fm DateTimeFormat.forPattern patterns DateTime d fm.parseDateTime s System.out.println d..

java convert milliseconds to date


TimeZone.getTimeZone US Central DateTimeFormatter parser1 DateTimeFormat.forPattern yyyy MM dd HH mm ss SSS System.out.println jodaTime parser1.print..