

java Programming Glossary: demonstrated

Handling passwords used for auth in source code


n readFile_NoDecryption DOUBLE_LAYER n n n Decryption is demonstrated with the Double Layer encryption file. Descrypt first layer...

Java <-> Scala interop: transparent List and Map conversion


are really completely orthogonal interfaces traits. As demonstrated above attempting to ignore these guidelines will almost always..

Updating TableView row appearance


The naming convention for JavaFX property access is demonstrated in this code snippet from the Oracle Using JavaFX Properties..

Where to place configuration properties files in a JSP/Servlet web application?


WEB INF filename.properties Note that I have demonstrated to place the file in WEB INF folder otherwise it would have..

How to demonstrate java multithreading visibility problems?


help more than just theoretic explanations that cannot be demonstrated. Thanks a lot for your help Update Just to emphasis the point..

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement


all to using PreparedStatement#setObject inside a loop as demonstrated in the utility method below public static void setValues PreparedStatement..

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


infinite length lookbehind. Yes as it has been adequatedly demonstrated here it works anyway. Officially it's categorized as a bug but..

If == compares references in Java, why does it evaluate to true with these Strings?


At least using the Sun Hotspot and suns Javac. Here it is demonstrated on http ideone.com fXM9G This is due to the fact that string..

Connecting to oracle in android


implement some very basic sync mechanism as for instance demonstrated with the SampleSyncAdapter which synchronizes with the apps..

What's the penalty for Synthetic methods?


Synthetic accessors can be exploited by malicious code as demonstrated below. If your code needs to run in a secure VM it may be unwise..

How to implement draggable tab using Java Swing?


off the edges of this example and add the extra features demonstrated above to it. Or maybe I'm just disappointed because I spent..

Adding Mimetypes to MimetypesFileTypeMap


usually found only in the activation.jar file . A A As demonstrated by the code posted by jwrobel the Jar actually seems to be the..

JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell


No idea how to implements simple formula for that pictures demonstrated generated from code import java.awt. import javax.swing. import..

jFormattedTextField's Formatter.setCommitsOnValidEdit(true) doesn't work at first focus


example that isn't works at firts focusLost and probably demonstrated your issue minimum limit is there set at 10.000 for both JFormattedTextField..

JTable with JPopupMenu


compare that with Mouse position... my simple sscce demonstrated just un wanted opposite status any row could be selected and..

Changing mercury color in thermometer in JFreeChart


this question You may be looking for setSubrangePaint demonstrated below. import java.awt.Color import java.awt.EventQueue import..

Why never change the notifier in receiving a change event


negative value with refresh rate 175 miliseconds code demonstrated changing the notifier and two another maybe correct way how..

Is there a Java library for unsigned number type wrappers?


ways to deal with it exists The first four points are demonstrated by a small C example unsigned int x 42 y m 5 t 18 y x m t This..

Highlighting Strings in JavaFX TextArea


using a technique similar to what is demonstrated here http jewelsea.wordpress.com 2011 12 11 codemirror based..