

java Programming Glossary: e.getcomponent

JCombobox focusLost is not firing-why is that?


void dumpInfo FocusEvent e System.out.println Source name e.getComponent System.out.println Opposite name e.getOppositeComponent System.out.println.. Temporary e.isTemporary final Component c e.getComponent works for editable JComboBox too if c instanceof JFormattedTextField..

How to UnFocus a JTextField


void ancestorAdded AncestorEvent e JComponent component e.getComponent component.requestFocusInWindow if removeListener component.removeAncestorListener..

JPanel which one of Listeners is proper for visibility is changed


HierarchyEvent.DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED 0 if e.getComponent .isDisplayable System.out.println Components DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED.. if e.getChangeFlags HierarchyEvent.SHOWING_CHANGED 0 if e.getComponent .isDisplayable System.out.println Components SHOWING_CHANGED.. void componentHidden ComponentEvent e System.out.println e.getComponent .getClass .getName Hidden public void componentMoved ComponentEvent..

How to make a transparant Jframe in Java but keep everything else the same?


if e.getClickCount 2 SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor e.getComponent .dispose frame.setBackground new Color 0 0 0 0 frame.setContentPane..

How to set the orientation of JTextArea from right to left (inside JOptionPane)


AncestorEvent e JScrollPane scrollPane JScrollPane e.getComponent scrollPane.applyComponentOrientation ComponentOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT..

JTable with JPopupMenu


MouseEvent e if e.isPopupTrigger popup.show e.getComponent e.getX e.getY public static void main String args SwingUtilities.invokeLater..

Why does setSelected on JCheckBox lose effect?


void componentHidden ComponentEvent e displayMessage e.getComponent .getClass .getName Hidden public void componentMoved ComponentEvent.. public void componentMoved ComponentEvent e displayMessage e.getComponent .getClass .getName Moved public void componentResized ComponentEvent.. void componentResized ComponentEvent e displayMessage e.getComponent .getClass .getName Resized public void componentShown ComponentEvent..

JPopupMenu closes when child popup opens


MouseEvent e System.out.println mousePressed pop.show e.getComponent e.getX e.getY but workaround is very simple use JWindows or..

Exporting JUNG graphs to hi-res images (preferably vector based)


V E vv menu.add exportGraphMenuItem menu.show e.getComponent e.getX e.getY and the action listener public class ExportActionListener..

Consume typed key by implements KeyBindings


e.getKeyChar e.consume if b enabled false if e.getComponent null e.getComponent .removeKeyListener this unlock @Override.. e.consume if b enabled false if e.getComponent null e.getComponent .removeKeyListener this unlock @Override public void keyReleased..