

java Programming Glossary: extras

Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list


of those two versions of the JAR or pick the one from the extras area of your SDK installation. Step #3 Put the right JAR in..

Google Maps Android api v2 and current location


void onStatusChanged String provider int status Bundle extras TODO Auto generated method stub main layout xml version 1.0..

How do you pass a string from one activity to another? [duplicate]


i In your second activity retrieve it. Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String value extras.getString.. retrieve it. Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String value extras.getString key get the value based on.. extras getIntent .getExtras if extras null String value extras.getString key get the value based on the key To pass cusotm..

Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM


the Google Play services SDK Reference the android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib.. is saved in your Android SDK environment at android sdk extras google google_play_services . 3. Install a compatible version..

System Tray (Menu Extras) icon in Mac Os using Java


that are presented to the left of the standard system menu extras. The java.awt.Image artwork for a TrayIcon is presented in grayscale.. in grayscale as per the Mac OS X standard for menu extras. TrayIcon.displayMessage presents a small non modal dialog positioned..

How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service


the Service or possibly just to get the latest data out of extras in the broadcast Intent . You can see an example of using that..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


R.id.edit_url .getText .toString .trim Bundle extras new Bundler .add DownloadTask.PARAM_URL url .build Groundy.create.. DownloadTask.class .receiver mReceiver .params extras .queue mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog MainActivity.this..

How are Anonymous (inner) classes used in Java?


useful when making an instance of an object which certain extras such as overloading methods without having to actually subclass..

Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?


are two ways of sharing data passing data in the intent's extras or saving it somewhere else. If data is primitives Strings or.. or user defined objects send it as part of the intent extras user defined objects must implement Parcelable . If passing.. or may not have to pass the object id using the intent ™s extras. It all depends on your specific problem. Persist objects to..

Android getIntent().getExtras() returns null


String . I have also tried creating a Bundle for the extras via Bundle b getIntent .getExtras but that also returned null... I've tried pretty much every alternative way of passing extras but they all seem to behave this way. What am I missing java.. those who are still having problems with this just get the extras from the tabHost activity itself and pass it along to the child..

How can I check on debug symbol status with Eclipse?


Environment you won't run into many issues except that extras like jarsigner and possibly the JRE source code may be missing...

how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents


removeButton Button findViewById R.id.button3 Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String name extras.getString name if name.. Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras String name extras.getString name if name null TextView text1 TextView findViewById..