

java Programming Glossary: focusable

Android custom ListView unable to click on items


to select list items that have elements on them that are focusable. I modified the checkbox on the list item to have an attribute.. on the list item to have an attribute like so android focusable false Now my list items that contain checkboxes works for buttons..

Custom List Field click event


The contents aren't Field instances and therefore are not focusable. So what I did was to replace ListField with a subclass of Manager.. s where I wanted them. I could then also make the row focusable and then a bitmap button on the row separately focusable like.. focusable and then a bitmap button on the row separately focusable like your star . Clicking the row invokes one action and clicking..

ActionListener for JLabel


for this use. Being based on a component designed to be focusable it allows an ActionListener and looks and feels more like an.. extends JTextField to easily allow the component to become focusable using keyboard navigation. To successfully browse to a URI for.. 23 public class LinkLabel we extend a JTextField to get a focusable component extends JTextField implements MouseListener FocusListener..

Making a single component full screen


on how to accomplish this java swing jpanel fullscreen focusable share improve this question Something like this seems to..

Android Row becomes Unclickable with Button


and in getView return a view which is Clickable and focusable. You will also lose the default highlight states so you need..

Java KeyListener for JFrame is being unresponsive?


new KeyListener ... Note Some components aren't focusable like JLabel. For setting them to focusable you need to myComponent.setFocusable.. aren't focusable like JLabel. For setting them to focusable you need to myComponent.setFocusable true share improve this..

Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate]


layout_weight 1.0 android layout_width fill_parent android focusable true android descendantFocusability beforeDescendants LinearLayout.. which is provided by @Dyarish. And the solution is to use focusableInTouchMode settings in xml for the layout containing the editText's... fill_parent android orientation vertical android focusableInTouchMode true EditText android id @ id filter_edittext android..

JFormattedTextField issues


content.add field focusButton new JButton just something focusable focusButton.addActionListener new ActionListener @Override..

Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus


MyView android background #777777 android focusable true android focusableInTouchMode true android layout_width.. android background #777777 android focusable true android focusableInTouchMode true android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height.. issues at hand. Firstly if a View is both android focusable and android focusableInTouchMode then on a honeycomb tablet..