

java Programming Glossary: frame.pack

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


new CustomPanel frame.setContentPane contentPane frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible true public.. imageLabel frame.setContentPane contentPane frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible true public..

Providing white space in a Swing GUI


contentPane.add cardPanel frame.setContentPane contentPane frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible true private..

Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component


46 label.setForeground Color.white frame.add label frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.setVisible true Timer..

JTable design to synchronize with back-end data-structure


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane .add scrollPane frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.setVisible true share..

How to add JTable in JPanel


frame if pack.isSelected frame.pack frame.setMinimumSize frame.getSize catch Exception e .. splitPane BorderLayout.CENTER frame.setContentPane gui frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null try 1.6 frame.setLocationByPlatform..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


150 150 frame.setPreferredSize new Dimension 400 647 frame.pack frame.setVisible true public static void main String args Forum..

Can't get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Future<?> and SwingWorker if thread starts Executor


EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.setLocation 150 150 frame.pack frame.setVisible true private class MyTask extends SwingWorker.. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.setVisible true private..

How to best position Swing GUIs


frame.getContentPane .add new HexagonGrid frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.setVisible true But Andrew.. Andrew Thompson had a different opinion to instead call frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true and inquiring minds want to..

Is it possible to have an autocomplete using jtextfield and a Jlist?


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.setLocation 100 100 frame.pack frame.setVisible true SwingUtilities.invokeLater new Runnable..

JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.add pane frame.pack frame.setVisible true public void addRow String name model.addRow.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.add pane frame.pack frame.setVisible true public void addRow String name model.addRow..

How Do I Use KeyEventDispatcher


frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.setVisible true public..

Update JLabel every X seconds from ArrayList<List> - Java


Display the window. frame.setLocationRelativeTo null frame.pack frame.setVisible true I have a window that get's created with..

Passing current Date


tableViewPort BorderLayout.CENTER frame.setLocation 20 20 frame.pack frame.setVisible true addColumnRenderes for int i 0 i 35 i ..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


frame.add drawingArea BorderLayout.CENTER frame.pack frame.setVisible true private JPanel makeButtonPanel buttonPanel.. frame.add drawingArea BorderLayout.CENTER frame.pack frame.setVisible true private JPanel makeButtonPanel buttonPanel..