

java Programming Glossary: getangle

Rotate an image in java by the specified angle


return new Dimension 200 200 public double getAngle return Math.toRadians slider.getValue @Override protected.. 2 AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.setToRotation getAngle x rectangle.width 2 y rectangle.height 2 at.translate x y g2d.setTransform..

Rotate BufferedImage Inside JPanel


Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight public double getAngle return Math.toRadians slider.getValue @Override protected.. 2 AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.setToRotation getAngle x image.getWidth 2 y image.getHeight 2 at.translate x y g2d.setTransform.. AffineTransform at new AffineTransform at.setToRotation getAngle x image.getWidth 2 y image.getHeight 2 at.translate x y g2d.setTransform..

How to rotate JXImagePanel?


void setImage Image image this.image image public double getAngle return angle public void setAngle double angle if angle this.angle.. to the RotatableImageComponent. One then should call getAngle to get the new value. @param o public void addRotationListener.. o public void rotateClockwise double rotation setAngle getAngle rotation public void rotateCounterClockwise double rotation..