

java Programming Glossary: ig

Android color picker to be included in the activity


5 private boolean mTrackingCenter private boolean mHighlightCenter @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas float.. 5 private boolean mTrackingCenter private boolean mHighlightCenter @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas float.. mCenterPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE if mHighlightCenter mCenterPaint.setAlpha 0xFF else mCenterPaint.setAlpha..

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


interpret the w character class shorthand as any letter digit or connecting punctuation usually underscore . That way a.. like w matches words like hello élève GO _432 or gefrä ig . Unfortunately Java doesn't. In Java w is limited to A Za z0.. flag UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS which makes everything work right again. It ™s available as an embeddable U for inside the pattern..

convert html to image in byte array java


html h1 h1 Hello World br img src http img0.gmodules.com ig images igoogle_logo_sm.png html public static void main String..... h1 Hello World br img src http img0.gmodules.com ig images igoogle_logo_sm.png html public static void main String... args.. h1 h1 Hello World br img src http img0.gmodules.com ig images igoogle_logo_sm.png html JLabel label new JLabel html..

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java


space replaced by 20 I guess URLEncoder is not designed to encode HTTP URLs... The JavaDoc says Utility class for.. EDIT 3 For an URL with a query like http www.google.com ig api weather São Paulo use the 5 parameter version of the constructor.. of the constructor URI uri new URI http www.google.com ig api weather São Paulo null String request uri.toASCIIString..