

java Programming Glossary: imagelabel

JComponents not showing up with picture background?


LabelExample private JPanel contentPane private JLabel imageLabel private void displayGUI JFrame frame new JFrame Label Example.. BorderFactory.createLineBorder Color.BLACK 5 imageLabel new JLabel new ImageIcon getClass .getResource image 404error.jpg.. ImageIcon getClass .getResource image 404error.jpg try imageLabel new JLabel new ImageIcon new URL http i.imgur.com 8zgHpH8.jpg..

Adding image to Jbutton with foreground label


private ImageIcon image imageForLabel private JLabel imageLabel private JTextField userField private JPasswordField passField.. catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace imageLabel new JLabel imageForLabel JPanel basePanel new JPanel setOpaque.. basePanel.add bottomPanel BorderLayout.PAGE_END imageLabel.setLayout new GridBagLayout imageLabel.add basePanel contentPane.add..

Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class


byte byteArray null private Image image private JLabel imageLabel new JLabel private Dimension imageDimension public DrawPanelRemoteControl.. imageDimension this.imageDimension imageDimension add imageLabel @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent.. byteArray imageDimension.width imageDimension.height imageLabel.setIcon new ImageIcon image private Image getGrayscaleImageFromArray..

Collision detection with complex shapes


BufferedImage w h BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB final JLabel imageLabel new JLabel new ImageIcon img x w 2 y h 2 circle obstacles 0.. public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e animate imageLabel.repaint Timer timer new Timer 50 animate timer.start JOptionPane.showMessageDialog.. 50 animate timer.start JOptionPane.showMessageDialog null imageLabel timer.stop public void animate Graphics2D g img.createGraphics..

How to set Icon to a JLabel from an image from a folder?


String MESSAGE No Image to display yet... private JLabel imageLabel private JComboBox cBox private ActionListener comboActions .. .getResource combo.getSelectedItem .gif if image null imageLabel.setIcon image imageLabel.setText else imageLabel.setText.. .gif if image null imageLabel.setIcon image imageLabel.setText else imageLabel.setText MESSAGE private void displayGUI..

How to add JTable in JPanel


0 0 200 200 ImageIcon ii new ImageIcon bi JLabel imageLabel new JLabel ii imagePanel.add imageLabel null JSplitPane splitPane.. bi JLabel imageLabel new JLabel ii imagePanel.add imageLabel null JSplitPane splitPane new JSplitPane JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT..

Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame


bi 20 20 f ImageIcon ii new ImageIcon image JLabel imageLabel new JLabel ii f.getContentPane .add imageLabel f.pack f.setLocationByPlatform.. JLabel imageLabel new JLabel ii f.getContentPane .add imageLabel f.pack f.setLocationByPlatform true f.setVisible true Screen..

How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work?


JInternalFrame is made with the following components in it imageLabel new JLabel picture.png scrollPane.setViewPort imageLabel internalFrame.add.. imageLabel new JLabel picture.png scrollPane.setViewPort imageLabel internalFrame.add scrollPane I also tried with a BorderLayout..