

java Programming Glossary: impossible

How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps?


of ä is C3 A4 The result of this is that it's quite impossible for the webapp to correly handle the request parameters from..

Threads with Key Bindings


by2 ay1 ay2 by1 bx2 ax1 ax2 bx1 return false Collision is impossible. else Collision is possible. get the masks for both images..

Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection


are the way to go because they make SQL injection impossible. Here's a simple example taking the user's input as the parameters..

get type of a generic parameter in java with reflection


reflection share improve this question This is impossible because generics in Java are only considered at compile time...

Using Regex to generate Strings rather than match them


Firstly with a complex enough regexp i beleive this can be impossible. But you should be able to put something together for simple..

Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically


work if you pass it lp in its constructor either. Is this impossible Because it sure looks it and it wouldn't be the first Android..

How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses?


pattern putting doubts about its merits aside is now impossible to enforce. As my snippets above show even some basic assumptions..

What is null in Java?


which has no name. Because the null type has no name it is impossible to declare a variable of the null type or to cast to the null..

Get generic type of class at runtime


share improve this question As others mentioned it's impossible only doable with reflection. If you really need the type this..

java generics super keyword


String will never compile however... test sList It is impossible to compile the above code and my sanity suggests that this is..

Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0


IceFaces into account in this answer it would then be impossible to write a reliable answer since it basically boils down to..

Best way to represent a fraction in Java?


so sign is carried by numerator and a zero denominator is impossible . public final class BigFraction extends Number implements Comparable..

How do I create an .exe for a Java program? [duplicate]


installed on the target machine in fact I think this is impossible . Any recommendations java exe share improve this question..

Why is super.super.method(); not allowed in Java?


What do you guys think EDIT To clarify yes I know that's impossible in Java and I don't really miss it. This is nothing I expected..

Java GUI listeners without AWT


Cartesian product of arbitrary sets in Java


set.add obj ret.add set return ret Note that it is impossible to keep any generic type information with the returned sets...

Centering a JLabel on a JPanel


GUI Builder autogenerates immutable code it's been impossible for me to figure out how to do this centering and I haven't..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


allow you to do such an end run. Which is it really It is impossible to say it depends on the point of view of the speaker and their..