

java Programming Glossary: jstr

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


#include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString JNIEnv env jobject.. JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF This string comes from JNI First get.. vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF This string comes from JNI First get the class..

How to access the Java method in a C++ application


JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF Hello World First get the class that.. vm void env vm_args Construct a String jstring jstr env NewStringUTF Hello World First get the class that contains.. method on the object jobject result env CallObjectMethod jstr to_lower Get a C style string const char str env GetStringUTFChars..