

java Programming Glossary: jxl

Exception while compiling: wrong version 50.0, should be 49.0


showing the below exception.. Extract.java 6 cannot access jxl.read.biff.BiffException bad class file C Program Files Java.. class file C Program Files Java jdk1.5.0_01 jre lib ext jxl.jar jxl read biff BiffException.class class file has wrong version.. file C Program Files Java jdk1.5.0_01 jre lib ext jxl.jar jxl read biff BiffException.class class file has wrong version 50.0..

Modifying existing excel using jxl


existing excel using jxl I m not able to edit the existing excel sheet using jxl. It.. jxl I m not able to edit the existing excel sheet using jxl. It always creates a new one. Can anyone please help me out.. me out with it. Please give a small sample code. java jxl share improve this question jxl is designed for increased..

Edit existing excel files using jxl api / Apache POI


existing excel files using jxl api Apache POI I am interesting and would like to learn more.. how to edit an existing excel file and saves it using the jxl api Apache POI or perhaps give me a sample program on how to..