

java Programming Glossary: layout_marginright

custom checkbox difficulty in android


layout_height 50px android layout_marginLeft 5px android layout_marginRight 20px android layout_marginTop 5px android src @drawable view_file_icon..

Take screensot and save android


true android layout_alignTop @ id imageView2 android layout_marginRight 10dp android src @drawable icon_fb_sel ImageView android id.. true android layout_below @ id imageView6 android layout_marginRight 10dp android layout_marginTop 10dp android src @drawable icon_twit_sel.. true android layout_below @ id imageView5 android layout_marginRight 10dp android layout_marginTop 10dp android src @drawable save..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


true android layout_below @ id textView1 android layout_marginRight 22dp android layout_marginTop 23dp RelativeLayout When you click..

custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order


true android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_marginRight 8dp android src @drawable loading TextView android id @ id price..

Remove space between buttons


How can I implement this UI in Android


android background @drawable rounded_background android layout_marginRight 10dp android layout_marginBottom 10dp android layout_marginTop..

I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it?


wrap_content android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_marginRight 20dip android layout_marginTop 100dip android layout_marginLeft.. true android layout_below @id username_text android layout_marginRight 20dip android layout_marginTop 30dip android layout_marginLeft.. true android layout_below @id txt_password android layout_marginRight 9dip android layout_marginTop 9dip android layout_marginLeft..

Password protecting my android app (the simple way)


android layout_gravity right center_horizontal android layout_marginRight 20dp The Java file package com.berry import android.app.Activity..

using checkbox to filter contacts and get phone number


true android layout_marginLeft 10dp android layout_marginRight 50dp android ellipsize end android singleLine true android textColor..