

java Programming Glossary: line.info

Can Java Sound be used to control the system volume?


Mixer mixer AudioSystem.getMixer mixerInfo Line.Info lineInfos mixer.getSourceLineInfo for Line.Info lineInfo lineInfos.. mixerInfo Line.Info lineInfos mixer.getSourceLineInfo for Line.Info lineInfo lineInfos System.out.println Line.Info lineInfo try.. for Line.Info lineInfo lineInfos System.out.println Line.Info lineInfo try Line line mixer.getLine lineInfo FloatControl..

Playing MP3 using Java Sound API


illegal call to open in interface Clip @Override public Line.Info getLineInfo return dataLine.getLineInfo Determines the single..

List of useful environment settings in Java


Mixer mixer AudioSystem.getMixer mixerInfo ii Line.Info source mixer.getSourceLineInfo Line.Info target mixer.getTargetLineInfo.. mixerInfo ii Line.Info source mixer.getSourceLineInfo Line.Info target mixer.getTargetLineInfo Line all new Line source.length..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


illegal call to open in interface Clip @Override public Line.Info getLineInfo return dataLine.getLineInfo Determines the single..