

java Programming Glossary: losing

JSpinner (Time) in JTable


a JTable it worked preaty goot at the first look but after losing the focus of the cell the edited cell is being set to Thu Jan..

log4j redirect stdout to DailyRollingFileAppender


log statements are correctly appended to the file but i am losing stdout and stderr. How do i redirect exception stack traces..

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The function test must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not specified


the version matching in web.xml root declaration hereby losing all the new Servlet 3.0 and EL 2.2 awesomeness. The webapp's..

requestDispatcher Interface Vs sendRedirect


request and a redirect creates a new request hereby losing the initial request including all of its attributes and parameters...

Correctly multithreaded quicksort or mergesort algo in Java?


06 may column multithreaded algor.html So in addition to losing one thread for no reason it's making sure to kill the perfs..

Java generics and varargs


method the ID doesn't work well. Basically you end up losing information in a worse way than normal. Yet another little pain..

Convert to PDF/A and check compliance under Linux [closed]


you have to read every page and copy it to a new document losing all bookmarks and annotations in this process. At least as far..

Exception is swallowed by finally


block threw an exception that would also complete abruptly losing the original exception. The quote above was from this nested..

Replacing unicode punctuation with ASCII approximations


be stripping the remaining Unicode. I understand that I am losing information and I know that I could write regular expressions..

Fast transcendent / trigonometric functions for Java


possible to do a calculation several times faster without losing much precision. On my machine a multiplication takes 1.5ns and..

Sessions in struts2 application


page otherwise you are bypassing the Struts2 framework and losing out on the benefits of using the framework. Login Example Below..

How to append data to a file?


a file I trying to write into the txt file. But with out losing the data that is already stored in the file. But my problem..

Why is it frowned upon to use a null layout in SWING?


sure it takes as much of the screen as possible without losing any part of the program I set the layout to null and hard coded..

Get term frequencies in Lucene


You won't find a faster method than TermDocs without losing some generality. TermDocs reads directly from the .frq file..

When my app loses connection, how should I try to recover?


con What can I change in either of these to accommodate losing connection java jdbc database connection share improve this.. by itself worry about actually reusing testing and or closing the connection. See also Am I Using JDBC Connection Pooling..

How to write data with FileOutputStream without losing old data?


to write data with FileOutputStream without losing old data If you work with FileOutputStream methods each time.. lost your old data. Is it possible to write file without losing your old data via FileOutputStream java fileoutputstream ..

PBKDF2 with bouncycastle in Java


with either using the Sun implementation mode #1 above and losing portability on other JVMs or using the Bouncy Castle classes..

Convert float to double without losing precision


float to double without losing precision I have a primitive float and I need as a primitive..