

java Programming Glossary: m.matches

How do I get the hosts mac address using Java 5?


Simplest way to correctly load html from web page into a string in Java


choose default and hope for the best. String charset m.matches m.group 1 ISO 8859 1 Reader r new InputStreamReader con.getInputStream..

Time comparison


Pattern.compile d 2 d 2 Matcher m p.matcher userString if m.matches String hourString m.group 1 String minuteString m.group 2 int..

How can I perform a partial match with java.util.regex.*?


aabb Matcher m p.matcher for String s ss m.reset s if m.matches System.out.printf 4s match n s else if m.hitEnd System.out.printf..

Can java.util.regex.Pattern do partial matches?


s System.out.printf s full match B partial match B n s m.matches m.hitEnd output AA full match FALSE partial match TRUE BB full..

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


Matcher m Pattern.compile PALINDROME_BROKEN .matcher s if m.matches System.out.println m.group 2 prints xyzyx As explained xyxyzyx..

Difference between matches() and find() in Java Regex


a123b System.out.println m.find System.out.println m.matches p Pattern.compile ^ d d d m p.matcher 123 System.out.println.. p.matcher 123 System.out.println m.find System.out.println m.matches output true false true true 123 is a substring of a123b so the..

Regular expression with variable number of groups?


p Pattern.compile ab cd ef Matcher m p.matcher abcddcef m.matches ... I would like to have something like m.group 1 c m.group..

Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson)


s static Matcher m SVNBRANCH_PAT.matcher APP_SVNTAIL if m.matches APP_BRANCHTAG Broken SVN Info APP_BRANCHTAG_NAME Broken SVN..

how to convert a string to float and avoid using try/catch in java?


on regex used this may only check part of the string if m.matches int i Integer.parseInt data However both of these parse the..

Convert static windows library to dll


param String name null String specifiers null if m.matches throw new IllegalStateException param name m.group 2 specifiers..

Regular expression to retrieve domain.tld


return www.foo.com Matcher m p.matcher uri.getHost if m.matches System.out.println m.group 1 Prints foo.com foo.com foo.com..

Java: Search in HashMap keys based on regex?


Attempting to match candidate to regex if m.matches System.out.println it matches results.add candidate if results.isEmpty..