

java Programming Glossary: manifest.file

How to setup Main class in manifest file in jar produced by NetBeans project


lib2.jar Open file nbproject project.properties Add line manifest.file manifest.mf Clean Build of project Now the .jar is successfully..

How to add resources to classpath


jar.compress index jar.index jarfile dist.jar manifest manifest.file runtimeclasspath run.classpath.without.build.classes.dir fileset..

Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant


name jar.file value jar.dir seraph.jar property name manifest.file value jar.dir MANIFEST.MF property name main.class value no.easyconnect.seraph.core.SeraphCore.. build jar depends build delete file jar.file delete file manifest.file manifest file manifest.file attribute name built by value user.name.. file jar.file delete file manifest.file manifest file manifest.file attribute name built by value user.name attribute name Main..