

java Programming Glossary: mapcontroller

How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map


mapactivity extends MapActivity private MapView mapView MapController mc GeoPoint p private MyLocationOverlay me null class MapOverlays..

Android OnLongClickListener not firing on MapView


int CENTER_MAP Menu.FIRST private MapView mapView private MapController mapController ... private boolean doCenterMap true Called when..

On zoom event for google maps on android


which is using the google maps api for android. I have my MapController and MapView and I enable the built in zoom controls using mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls..

Get Map address or Location Address in Android


public class GetMapAddress extends MapActivity MapController mapController MyPositionOverlay positionOverlay MapController.. mapController MyPositionOverlay positionOverlay MapController mc GeoPoint p String addressString No address found @Override..

myLocationOverlay change the marker


moves near the edge of the screen and we've been given a MapController in our constructor we'll scroll to recenter the new reading..

Couldn't get connection factory client


mapOverlay.add addressoverlay mapView.invalidate final MapController mapController mapView.getController mapController.animateTo..

Positing user current location and show it in Google maps


activity is first created. MapView mapView GeoPoint geo MapController mapController LocationManager locationManager CustomPinpoint..