

java Programming Glossary: math.cos

Rotate Image around character (JAVA)


the outter point of the line int xPosy Math.round float x Math.cos rads fullLength int yPosy Math.round float y Math.sin rads..

Pacman open/close mouth animation


Ellipse2D.Double 0d 0d size size double x1 size 2 2d size Math.cos jaws 2d double y1 size 2 2d size Math.sin jaws 2d double x2..

Rotate BufferedImage Inside JPanel


double sin Math.abs Math.sin radians double cos Math.abs Math.cos radians int newWidth int Math.round image.getWidth cos image.getHeight..

Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge


i 0 i n i double t 2 Math.PI i n int x int Math.round a r Math.cos t int y int Math.round b r Math.sin t g2d.fillOval x r2 y..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


Math.toRadians bearing double lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos.. lat Math.asin Math.sin latA Math.cos angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon.. angularDistance Math.cos latA Math.sin angularDistance Math.cos trueCourse double dlon Math.atan2 Math.sin trueCourse Math.sin..

Rotate an image in java


angle double sin Math.abs Math.sin angle cos Math.abs Math.cos angle int w image.getWidth h image.getHeight int neww int Math.floor..

Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis


event for int i 0 i Array.getLength p2x i p2x i int p2x i Math.cos Math.toRadians 1 p2y i Math.sin Math.toRadians 1 p2y i int.. 1 p2y i int p2x i Math.sin Math.toRadians 1 p2y i Math.cos Math.toRadians 1 Point2D original new Point2D.Double p2x i..

byte array to short array and back again in java


i audioData.length audioData i short audioData i short 5 Math.cos 2 Math.PI i Number EncodeBox.getValue .intValue i short x 0..

How do i align this text correctly?


g.rotate radians g.translate radius radius float x float Math.cos radians scale float y float Math.sin radians vars.length i vars.length..

How do I draw an arrowhead (in Android)?


theta Math.toRadians angle result 0 centerX int length Math.cos theta result 1 centerY int length Math.sin theta return points..

Calculate distance in meters when you know longitude and latitude in java [duplicate]


lng2 lng1 double a Math.sin dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.sin dLng.. dLat 2 Math.sin dLat 2 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat1 Math.cos Math.toRadians lat2 Math.sin dLng 2 Math.sin dLng 2 double..

FFT library in android Sdk


double n 2 sin new double n 2 for int i 0 i n 2 i cos i Math.cos 2 Math.PI i n sin i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i n public void fft..