

java Programming Glossary: maxwidth

JavaFX 2.0 + FXML. Updating scene values from a different Task


in FXML AnchorPane id AnchorPane maxHeight Infinity maxWidth Infinity minHeight 526.0 minWidth 356.0 prefHeight 526.0 prefWidth..

Android CalendarView class cannot be found


wrap_content android layout_width wrap_content android maxWidth 200dp android maxHeight 10dp android text DASHBOARD android..

Drawing JTable rows and columns on a Panel


getColumnDataWidth int column int preferredWidth 0 int maxWidth table.getColumnModel .getColumn column .getMaxWidth for int.. width no need to check other rows if preferredWidth maxWidth break return preferredWidth Get the preferred width for the.. getColumnDataWidth int column int preferredWidth 0 int maxWidth table.getColumnModel .getColumn column .getMaxWidth for int..

Java - MouseListener Action Event in paintComponent


int xspeed 1 int yspeed 1 Color color private final int maxWidth private final int maxHeight public MyBall double x double y.. MyBall double x double y double w double h Color c int maxWidth int maxHeight super x y w h color c this.width w set width and.. this.height h set max width and height ball can move this.maxWidth maxWidth this.maxHeight maxHeight public void setColor Color..

add thumnails to spring layout like a grid?


insets.left insets.right hgap 2 int maxWidth targetWidth horizontalInsetsAndGap Fit components into the.. to current row. Start a new row. if rowWidth d.width maxWidth addRow dim rowWidth rowHeight rowWidth 0 rowHeight 0 ..

Take screensot and save android


@ id imageButton1 android maxHeight 44dp android maxWidth 55dp android src @drawable icon_new ImageButton android id @.. @ id imageButton4 android maxHeight 44dp android maxWidth 55dp android minHeight 44dp android minWidth 55dp android src..

Basic Java Swing, how to exit and dispose of your application/JFrame


TITLE Cellular Automata Squaring Example private int maxWidth 600 private int maxHeight 600 public void launch final JFrame.. 20 20 frame.setPreferredSize new Dimension maxWidth maxHeight frame.setResizable false frame.setFocusable true final.. panel.setVisible true panel.setPreferredSize new Dimension maxWidth maxHeight panel.setFocusable true panel.setBackground Color.white..