

java Programming Glossary: myurl

A good library to do URL Query String manipulation in Java


like to have at least the following capabilities String myUrl http www.example.com tes.html toto 1 titi 2 get the value of.. parameter String parameterValue UrlUtils.getParameterValue myUrl toto Assert.equals parameterValue 1 update a parameter String.. update a parameter String newUrl UrlUtils.updateParameter myUrl toto 3 parameterValue UrlUtils.getParameterValue myUrl toto..

Validate URL in java


question A very sneaky way is to do try new java.net.URI myUrl catch URISyntaxException e url badly formed share improve..

Java Dynamically Loading a class


Class Name Class Name JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE URL myUrl null try myUrl myFile.toURL catch MalformedURLException e URLClassLoader.. Class Name JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE URL myUrl null try myUrl myFile.toURL catch MalformedURLException e URLClassLoader loader.. e URLClassLoader loader new URLClassLoader myUrl loader.loadClass className I am now getting a 'cannot find symbol'..