

java Programming Glossary: numcolumns

Making the gridView center in Android


true android gravity center_horizontal android numColumns 2 android stretchMode none RelativeLayout I have been breaking..

Most effecient conversion of ResultSet to JSON?


ResultSetMetaData rsmd rs.getMetaData while rs.next int numColumns rsmd.getColumnCount JSONObject obj new JSONObject for int i.. JSONObject obj new JSONObject for int i 1 i numColumns 1 i String column_name rsmd.getColumnName i if rsmd.getColumnType..

Writing a large resultset to an Excel file using POI


new FileOutputStream fileNameAndPath int numColumns rs.getMetaData .getColumnCount Workbook wb ExcelFileUtil.createExcelWorkBook.. 1 ResultSetMetaData rsmd rs.getMetaData for int x 0 x numColumns x Cell cell heading.createCell x 1 cell.setCellValue rsmd.getColumnLabel.. sheetNumber .createRow rowNumber for int y 0 y numColumns y row.createCell y 1 .setCellValue rs.getString y 1 wb.write..

How can I dynamically add images to a GridView?


fill_parent android columnWidth 150dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 2dp android horizontalSpacing..