

java Programming Glossary: os.write

how to convert short array to byte array


test convert to ulaw read bytes2 0 N send to server os.write bytes2 0 bytes2.length System.out.println bytesRead buffer.length..

how to convert or record .wav file in 16khz 16bit mono little-endian?


if AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION read try os.write data catch IOException e e.printStackTrace try os.close..

Upload and POST file to PHP page


new FileInputStream tmpfile.tmp for int i 0 i totalByte i os.write fis.read byteTrasferred i 1 os.close BufferedReader in new..

HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation


is conn.getInputStream int ret 0 while ret is.read buf 0 os.write buf 0 ret close the inputstream is.close return new String.. int ret 0 read the response body while ret es.read buf 0 os.write buf 0 ret close the errorstream es.close return Error response..

Brute Force Algorithm w/Java Passing String Error


new byte 64 int numBytes while numBytes is.read bytes 1 os.write bytes 0 numBytes os.flush os.close is.close Thi java string..

Java applet to upload a file


byte b1 new byte 10000000 int n while n is.read b1 1 os.write hello 0 5 test b1 con.connect java forms post applet share..

SSLSocket ignores domain mismatch


final InputStream is socket.getInputStream os.write HEAD HTTP 1.1 r nHost host r nConnection close r n r n .getBytes..

Sending an OWA logon form from Java


output.html int data while data is.read 1 os.write data is.close os.close hConnection.disconnect It just keeps..

Why java.security.NoSuchProviderException No such provider: BC?


os new ObjectOutputStream new FileOutputStream fileName os.write encrypted os.flush os.close catch Exception e StackTraceElement..

simple HTTP server in Java using only Java SE API


200 response.length OutputStream os t.getResponseBody os.write response.getBytes os.close noted should be that the response.length..

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


OutputStream os connection.getOutputStream os.write requestData InputStream is connection.getInputStream byte rply..

What does this tilde mean?


Large file transfer with sockets


Packet i 1 OutputStream os sock.getOutputStream os.write mybytearray 0 mybytearray.length os.flush Client side int packetsize.. 0 mybytearray.length System.out.println Packet i 1 bos.write mybytearray 0 mybytearray.length sock.close bos.close On the..

File download using RichFaces


os res.getOutputStream int bt fis.read while bt 1 os.write bt bt fis.read os.flush fis.close os.close catch final IOException..