

java Programming Glossary: persistence_1_0.xsd

Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml?


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd persistence unit name eventractor transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL..

define named query in orm.xml with jpa and hibernate


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd version 1.0 persistence unit name default transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL..

Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd version 1.0 persistence unit name RDBMS transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL..

How do I upgrade an existing enterprise project from Java EE5 to Java EE 6 in Netbeans (6.9)


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd to persistence version 2.0 xmlns http java.sun.com xml ns persistence..

Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd persistence unit name PU1 transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL provider.. xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd persistence unit name PU2 transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL provider..

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named customerManager


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd version 1.0 persistence unit name customerManager transaction.. xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd version 1.0 persistence unit name customerManager transaction..

PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd version 1.0 persistence unit name test provider org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence..

Fixing Null EntityManger in Spring MVC application?


xml ns persistence http java.sun.com xml ns persistence persistence_1_0.xsd persistence unit name CoolOrmJpaPU transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL..