

java Programming Glossary: pie

How can i display pie chart in jsp page?


@ page import org.jfree.data.general. DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue.. DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue JavaWorld new Integer 75 pieDataset.setValue.. Other new Integer 25 JFreeChart chart ChartFactory.createPieChart Sample Pie Chart pieDataset true true false html head meta..

method must call super() error in Netbeans


it says java.lang.VerifyError class pie chart explorer PieChartExplorer method init signature V Constructor must call super.. or this Could not find the main class pie.chart.explorer.PieChartExplorer. Program will exit. Exception in thread main Java.. will exit. Exception in thread main Java Result 1 Here is PieChartExplorer.java package pie.chart.explorer import java.awt...

How can I fix this code so I can add this JFreeChart to a panel


org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot3D import org.jfree.data.general.DefaultPieDataset public.. import org.jfree.data.general.DefaultPieDataset public class Eventad extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame.. updateChart public static void main String arg DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue..

How can i display pie chart in jsp page?


can i display pie chart in jsp page @page contentType text html pageEncoding.. @ page import org.jfree.data.general. DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue JavaWorld new.. DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue JavaWorld new Integer 75 pieDataset.setValue..

Setting label and value of the chart


label and value of the chart I am creating pie charts using JFreeChart and I want to set the value and the.. words I want the chart to show different results on the pie than in the legend. Is there any way that I can achieve this..

method must call super() error in Netbeans


and in the console it says java.lang.VerifyError class pie chart explorer PieChartExplorer method init signature V Constructor.. must call super or this Could not find the main class pie.chart.explorer.PieChartExplorer. Program will exit. Exception.. main Java Result 1 Here is PieChartExplorer.java package pie.chart.explorer import java.awt. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent..

How can I fix this code so I can add this JFreeChart to a panel


specifically in a panel on a JInternalFrame it is a pie chart from the library JFreeChart . I want to embed the chart.. public static void main String arg DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue One new Integer.. arg DefaultPieDataset pieDataset new DefaultPieDataset pieDataset.setValue One new Integer 10 pieDataset.setValue Two new..