

java Programming Glossary: pscode.org

Why to add JPanel to a JLabel, under what circumstance, this situation can arise?


body html padding 0px margin 0px style body img src 'http pscode.org media starzoom thumb.gif' width 320 height 240 LabelAsBackground..

how to put a JLabel inside a JLabel or divide a JLable into squares


body html padding 0px margin 0px style body img src 'http pscode.org media starzoom thumb.gif' width 320 height 240 private static.. body html padding 0px margin 0px style body img src 'http pscode.org media citymorn2.jpg' width 160 height 120 private static final.. body html padding 0px margin 0px style body img src 'http pscode.org media citymorn1.jpg' width 160 height 120 private JLabel playerOneLabel..

Show an animated BG in Swing


throws MalformedURLException final URL url new URL http pscode.org media starzoom thumb.gif EventQueue.invokeLater new Runnable..

Java - How to draw a transparent shape using a Graphics object g?


main String args throws Exception URL urlFG new URL http pscode.org media stromlo2.jpg URL urlBG new URL http pscode.org media stromlo1.jpg.. http pscode.org media stromlo2.jpg URL urlBG new URL http pscode.org media stromlo1.jpg final BufferedImage biFG ImageIO.read urlFG..

ActionListener for JLabel


LinkLabel linkLabelWeb new LinkLabel new URI http pscode.org sscce.html SSCCE linkLabelWeb.setStandardColor new Color 0..

Play audio clips sequentially in JApplet


main String args throws Exception URL url1 new URL http pscode.org media 100_2817 linear.wav URL url2 new URL http pscode.org media.. pscode.org media 100_2817 linear.wav URL url2 new URL http pscode.org media leftright.wav final Clip clip1 AudioSystem.getClip clip1.open..

Java Audio - How to play song during game (Application, not Applet)


main String args throws Exception URL url new URL http pscode.org media leftright.wav Clip clip AudioSystem.getClip AudioInputStream..

Does this applet work in an Iced Tea JRE?


users with an Iced Tea JRE To test it Visit the applet at pscode.org test docload applet latest.html Refuse the digitally signed..

How to stop a music Clip in Java?


main String args throws Exception URL url new URL http pscode.org media leftright.wav AudioInputStream ais AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream..

How to play a .MIDI file in a new thread in Java?


receivingDevice.open URL url1 new URL http pscode.org media EverLove.mid Sequence sequence1 MidiSystem.getSequence.. sequencer1.setSequence sequence1 URL url2 new URL http pscode.org media AftrMdnt.mid Sequence sequence2 MidiSystem.getSequence..

Where can I download the mp3plugin.jar to play MP3s in Java code?


Use animated GIF in desktop application


String args throws Exception final URL url new URL http pscode.org media starzoom thumb.gif SwingUtilities.invokeLater new Runnable..

How do you play a long AudioClip?


main String args throws Exception URL url new URL http pscode.org media leftright.wav BigClip clip new BigClip AudioInputStream..