

java Programming Glossary: raise

The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int)


pow int int What is the most efficient way given to raise an integer to the power of another integer in C 2^3 pow 2 3..

Java applet stopped working after update to JRE 7u21


Oracle's DeployJava.js library. It uses LiveConnect to raise events back to my javascript code. The first problem I had on.. I had on JRE 7u21 was an exception on the first attempt to raise an event through LiveConnect netscape.javascript.JSException..

Source not found Android?


@param info ActivityInfo from the manifest above error is raised. can any one guide me how to resolve this issue i am new to.. when the debugging goes to an Android class Eclipse will raise an error. Have a look at this questions for instructions on..

How are Java Thread priorities translated to an OS thread priority?


32 3 64 4 96 5 10 127 Of note is that on Solaris you can't raise the thread priority above normal only lower it the priority..

Is there a 100% Java alternative to ImageIO for reading JPEG files?


thread.jspa threadID 5425569 a few particular JPEGs raise a CMMException when we try to ImageIO.read an InputStream containing..

How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0?


queues. However there's big warning at the bottom Do not raise the number of concurrent consumers for a topic . This would..

Java generics - type erasure - when and what happens


with A.class in the classpath javac is smart enough to raise a warning. So A.class has some type information stored in it...

Some (anti-)patterns on using assert (Java, and others)


we can get rid of them and live with that ie. let Java raise such unckecked exception or of course test against null value.. fail are going to alter the behaviour because they will raise an error . The number two rule is not to use assertions for..

Thread interrupt not ending blocking call on input stream read


the stream from another thread. This may immediately raise an IOException though it might not be an AsynchronousCloseException..

Why are local variables not initialized in Java?


be within a try. I guess that means some of the code may raise an exception that isn't handled anymore. I'm not sure. Neither..

ArithmeticException: “Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result”


decimal result&rdquo Why does the following code raise the exception shown below BigDecimal a new BigDecimal 1.6 BigDecimal..

Most efficient way to cast List<SubClass> to List<BaseClass>


is erased at compile time. Therefore they can't raise a runtime exception when an invalid store occurs. Instead a.. invalid store occurs. Instead a ClassCastException will be raised at some far distant hard to associate point in code when a..

Why is it “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission” in python, but not in Java? [closed]


username username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise forms.ValidationError 'Username is already taken.' Update3 This..

The case against checked exceptions


This is the and what will you when it happens question I raise above. It also relates to item 1. Since you can predict that..

How do I convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in Java?


by using the lower level Charset APIs. For example you can raise an exception when an un encodable character is found or use..

Best GWT widget library? [closed]


a bad thing. But if you just want a widget or two it can raise the bar on what it takes to just get your work done and how..

Simple Thread Management - Java - Android


idea. Hence one possibility is for you to clone AsyncTask raise the limit or go unbounded which is also possible with LinkedBlockingQueue.. hit should be the implementation. If you just want to raise the limit adjust MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE to be as big as you're likely..