

java Programming Glossary: real

Real differences between “java -server” and “java -client”?


server&rdquo and &ldquo java client&rdquo Is there any real practical difference between java server and java client All.. server starts slower but should run faster . What are the real differences Using JDK 1.6.0_07 currently. java jvm jvm hotspot.. jvm jvm hotspot share improve this question This is really linked to HotSpot and the default option values Java HotSpot..

What is a stack overflow error?


that without actually putting the code up online I won't really be able to get help with this. So instead I thought I would.. What is a stack overflow error what causes it and how do real programmers deal with them Thanks a lot oh I'm using the acm..

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?


See also uploading of pdf file . You should rather use a real library which is used and implicitly tested by millions of users..

What is null in Java?


null until it's actually used where it's replaced by the real value which may be expensive to compute . There are also other.. to compute . There are also other uses. Let's take a real example from java.lang.System public static Console console..

How to use java.net.URLConnection to fire and handle HTTP requests?


contentLength But if the content length is really not known beforehand then you can make use of chunked streaming.. returns an unexpected response while it works fine with a real web browser. The server side is probably blocking requests based..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


etcetera. It's much more than alone a HTML parser. It's a real GUI less webbrowser and HTML unit testing tool. Jsoup Jsoup.. specific data from the HTML which is more than often the real world requirement then Jsoup is the way to go. share improve..

JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense?


return the value you expect or it will be lost in the real view scoped bean which is restored after the view tree is built... in JSF 2.0 @ViewScoped fails in tag handlers To see some real world examples where JSTL tags are helpful i.e. when really.. real world examples where JSTL tags are helpful i.e. when really properly used during building the view see the following questions..

Why not use Double or Float to represent currency?


except that instead of the base being 10 it's two. All real decimal numbers can be seen in fact as exact fractions of a.. as exact fractions of a power of ten. For instance 10.45 really is 1045 10^2 . And just as some fractions can't be represented..

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


Cntrl p Cntrl XDigit p XDigit Space p Space This is a real mess because it means that things like Alpha Lower and Space.. space results is ̲w̲r̲o̲n̲g̲ according to Unicode. It ™s a really big problem. Java is just messed up giving answers that are.. to Unicode. Plus Java doesn ™t even give you access to the real Unicode properties In fact Java does not support any property..

How to parse XML using the SAX parser


object somewhere or whatever. Now to be honest I can't really tell you any real advantage of this handler implementation.. or whatever. Now to be honest I can't really tell you any real advantage of this handler implementation over the android.sax..

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed]


against the two to assess their suitability under real life conditions. DBCP consistently generated exceptions into..

How to best position Swing GUIs


screen'ish . I keep waiting for them to disappear and the real GUI to appear Since Java 1.5 we've had access to Window.setLocationByPlatform..

JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate


object Simulating the adapter. Obviously the real thingy wouldn't have a reference to the controller but message..

How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection?


be able to create a TrustManager that delegates to the real TrustManager in all instances except this one certificate. But..

Real world use of JMS/message queues? [closed]


world use of JMS message queues closed I was just reading abit..

Are there libraries for Square Root over BigDecimal? [closed]


math share improve this question JScience v4.3.1 has a Real class which seems to be the equivalent of BigDecimal and that.. Using JScience with 50 digits precision Real.setExactPrecision 50 System.out.println Real.valueOf 2 .sqrt.. precision Real.setExactPrecision 50 System.out.println Real.valueOf 2 .sqrt Using default java implementation System.out.println..

Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness


to. And the results are up on my blog have a look see Real world performance metrics java.io vs. java.nio Real world performance.. see Real world performance metrics java.io vs. java.nio Real world performance metrics java.io vs. java.nio The Sequel Use..

JavaScript not being properly executed in HtmlUnit


not being defined and unknown functions and so on. Real browsers are more flexible eg they accept syntactically incorrect..

Real differences between “java -server” and “java -client”?


differences between &ldquo java server&rdquo and &ldquo java..

Java operator precedence guidelines


precedence share improve this question As far as the Real World is concerned it's probably fair to say enough programmers..

Prepend lines to file in Java


feature supported in any mainstream programming languages. Real world file systems are implemented on devices that store data..

Design Patterns web based applications


a component based framework. Related questions answers Real world implementations of GoF design patterns share improve..

Which real-time (RTSJ) JVM is most preferred?


be only a handful of JVMs that are implementations of the Real Time Specification for Java RTSJ . The Sun Oracle Java Real.. Time Specification for Java RTSJ . The Sun Oracle Java Real Time System is over 6000 and IBM's real time WebSphere is over..

Real-time Java graph / chart library? [closed]


time Java graph chart library closed There was an earlier thread..

Create XML document using nodeList


xml file is shown below configs markets market name Real name market market name play name market markets configs Thanks.. output is xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 16 root market name Real name market market name play name market root Some notes I've.. output xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 16 markets market name Real name market market name play name market markets share improve..

Signal processing library in Java?


data array is real use Numerical Recipes FFT of Single Real Function . Look for function void realft float data unsigned..

Java: How do I use a PriorityQueue?


compare String x String y Assume neither string is null. Real code should probably be more robust if x.length y.length return..

How to center a string using String.format?


format FirstName Init. LastName System.out.format format Real Gagnon System.out.format format John D Doe String ex John F... format Object ex output FirstName Init. LastName Real Gagnon John D Doe John F. Kennedy I want the output to be..

Why java people frequently consume exception silently?


catch Exception e throw new AssertionError e update 2 Real thanks to Tshepang for fixing my poor English. java exception..