

java Programming Glossary: refid

Does JUnit4 testclasses require a public no arg constructor?


true failureproperty junit.failure fork true classpath refid class.path.test classpath refid class.path.model classpath refid.. fork true classpath refid class.path.test classpath refid class.path.model classpath refid class.path.gui classpath refid.. class.path.test classpath refid class.path.model classpath refid class.path.gui classpath refid class.path.jfreereport classpath..

Bamboo Ant Task fails when running junit task


destdir build.dir includeantruntime false classpath refid junit.class.path javac target Run the JUnit Tests Output is.. printsummary on fork true haltonfailure true classpath refid junit.class.path formatter type xml batchtest todir test.report.dir..

Running ant build gives “package org.junit does not exist”


is junit printsummary yes haltonfailure yes classpath path refid your.classpath.refid fileset dir junit.dir include name junit.jar.. yes haltonfailure yes classpath path refid your.classpath.refid fileset dir junit.dir include name junit.jar fileset classpath..

Creating a bundle jar with ant


path pathconvert property mf.classpath pathsep path refid build.classpath mapper chainedmapper flattenmapper globmapper..

Is it possible to have Ant print out the classpath for a particular target? If so, how?


has quite a long list of pathelement location xxx and path refid foo.class.path elements in its path id bar.class.path element.. id classpath .... path pathconvert property classpathProp refid classpath echo Classpath is classpathProp echo Docs for pathconvert..

Cannot find Main Class in File Compiled With Ant


destdir build javac destdir build src path src classpath refid master classpath javac target target name dist depends compile..

Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant


id project.classpath pathelement location src.dir path refid external.jars path target name init mkdir dir build.dir mkdir..

How to run all JUnit tests in a category/suite with Ant?


name fi.foobar.FastTestSuite formatter type xml classpath refid test.classpath junit ... but no luck so far. Edit Besides the.. printsummary yes fork yes formatter type xml classpath refid test.classpath batchtest todir test.reports fileset dir classes..

Getting Ant <javac> to recognise a classpath
