

java Programming Glossary: released

Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean


JSF 2.0 to include annotation based beans. When CDI was released with Java EE 6 it was regarded as the managed bean framework.. management and dependency injection framework that was released as part of Java EE 6 and it includes a complete comprehensive..

Threads with Key Bindings


than of course have to reset the flag when the key is released. In your game logic you would check the states if the booleans.. .put KeyStroke.getKeyStroke KeyEvent.VK_W 0 true W released gp.getActionMap .put W released new AbstractAction @Override.. KeyEvent.VK_W 0 true W released gp.getActionMap .put W released new AbstractAction @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent..

Write a password protected Zip file in Java [closed]


1526137 UPDATE This code is now Apache licensed and released at http code.google.com p winzipaes . It worked for me one file..

JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices


Not closing them would cause the connection not being released back to the pool for reuse and thus it will acquire a new one..

JLabel mouse events for Drag and Drop


mouseReleased MouseEvent me System.out.println here mouse released public void mousePressed MouseEvent me System.out.println.. the drag and drop works but the statement here mouse released does not get printed. However When I remove the code responsible.. for DND from the mousePressed method here mouse released is printed. What is the wrong in this code java swing share..

How Do I Use KeyEventDispatcher


direction.getKeyCode 0 false KeyStroke released KeyStroke.getKeyStroke direction.getKeyCode 0 true inMap.put.. inMap.put pressed direction.toString pressed inMap.put released direction.toString released actMap.put direction.toString pressed.. pressed inMap.put released direction.toString released actMap.put direction.toString pressed new AbstractAction private..

What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)?


on the web API doesn't change between releases. 1.2 was released recently. XOM is the only XML API that makes no compromises..