

java Programming Glossary: saml

Xpath transformation not working in java


element. samlp AuthnRequest xmlns samlp urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 protocol Version 2.0 IssueInstant 2012 05 22T13 40 52 390.. 05 22T13 40 52 390 ProtocolBinding urn oasis na mes tc SAML 2.0 bindings HTTP POST AssertionConsumerServiceURL localhos.. text testing saml Issuer xmlns saml urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 assertion http localhost 8080 saml SProvider.jsp saml Issuer..

How to Load RSA Private Key From File


Key From File I am working on a test harness for a SAML 1.1 Assertion Consumer Service. The test must generate a signed.. Consumer Service. The test must generate a signed SAMLResponse and submit it to the ACS encoded in Base64. The ACS.. message using the X509 public cert. I am able to build the SAMLResponse adding the necessary assertions etc. But when I try..

Authenticating against Active Directory with Java on Linux


called ADFS which provides SSO for websites using SAML that calls into the Windows SSP so in practice it's basically..

How to fetch path of a file from preference page and print the Output on console via Button on Workbench?


made one preference page whose programming is public class SAML extends FieldEditorPreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage.. implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage public SAML super GRID setPreferenceStore RmpPlugin.getDefault .getPreferenceStore..

JAVA : How to access file path from preference page and use it in Programming code


dispose nothing to do My FileFieldEditorClass public class SAML extends FieldEditorPreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage.. implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage public SAML super GRID setPreferenceStore RmpPlugin.getDefault .getPreferenceStore..

User authenticate in SOAP - How to?


server exchange Username password token X.509 certificate SAML token Kerberos Token . EDIT With respect to Metro WebService.. e.g. here and here for Username password here and here for SAML that show to define callback interceptors to verify authentication..