

java Programming Glossary: similarities

Java Equivalent to Python Dictionaries


using hashmaps and hashtables. Could someone explain the similarities and differences of using hashtables and hashmaps versus python's..

Joda Time to be included in Java 7? [duplicate]


to the old Calendar Date classes. While there are some similarities JSR 310 is not Joda Time per se. I followed the mailing list..

Difference between volatile and synchronized in JAVA (j2me)


to be said and there are many differences but also some similarities. I am particularly interested in this piece of info ... access..

Wicket or Playframework?


tutorial on their site and you'll probably see the Django similarities there. Wicket is a component oriented framework like JSF and..

Which java YAML library should I use? [closed]


2008 timeframe when it appeared to be active. It has API similarities with XStream which is a benefit for us. I introduced SnakeYAML..

Java's Virtual Machine and CLR


cil share improve this question There are a lot of similarities between both implementations and in my opinion yes they're both..

Recommendation System for a book store application


should be the attributes I should be using to calculate similarities between two users and how to go about it with the algorithms..

What are the similarities and differences between Java Annotations and C# Attributes?


are the similarities and differences between Java Annotations and C# Attributes ..

Java's Interface and Haskell's type class: differences and similarities?


Interface and Haskell's type class differences and similarities While I am learning Haskell I noticed its type class which.. a class' behavior. I wonder what are the differences and similarities between type class in Haskell and interface in Java or maybe..

Difference between <context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan>


context. I'll use some examples to show the differences similarities. Lets start with a basic setup of three beans of type A B and..

GWT Platform login + session menagment


with JSP is the reason why you are turning to GWT. The similarities between JSP generated client and GWT generated client Occasionally..