

java Programming Glossary: telephone

android device id confusion


' MAC ' for the telephony module the unique ID that the telephone uses when it connects via GSM GPRS HSPDA etc. The GSM network.. module is a chip or circuit board that handles the telephone network either GSM or CMDA and often has a slot for a removable.. software and may be off when you need it The subscriber's telephone number. This may change if the user requests a new number from..

BeanCreationException after adding two variables


name city @NotEmpty private String city @Column name telephone @NotEmpty @Digits fraction 0 integer 10 private String telephone.. @NotEmpty @Digits fraction 0 integer 10 private String telephone @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL mappedBy owner fetch FetchType.EAGER.. city this.city city public String getTelephone return this.telephone public void setTelephone String telephone this.telephone telephone..

Need of serialization in Java


Reading a Json Array in android


name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString.. name location json_data.getString number telephone json_data.getString url json_data.getString balance json_data.getString..

Cannot locate message in MessageSource


td td form input path email td tr tr td form label path telephone spring message code label.telephone form label td td form input.. tr td form label path telephone spring message code label.telephone form label td td form input path telephone td tr tr td colspan.. code label.telephone form label td td form input path telephone td tr tr td colspan 2 input type submit value spring message..

Java multi-threading & Safe Publication


heard of anybody get a phantom phone call added to their telephone bill for reasons that are never really looked into or gotten..